New Member
Hello my friends, I'm new to this. Just started 6 days ago... I'm having a very strange first time experience... i germinated ONE seed and planted it in the pot.. everything was dome correctly there. The next day, i opened the door to check on her and one sprout already started. I excitedly went to work and couldn't believe i had accomplished getting it to sprout. Before I went to bed, I checked on her again. The two round leaves that the sprout first had were curling all the way to the stem, but was still a healthy lookong green. Discouraged, I went to sleep.. the next day i woke up and found that my seed had ANOTHER sprout... the same thing happened that day that had happened the day before.. wimpy leaves and etc.. so i went to bed discouraged yet again.. the next morning (this morning) I looked and now see FOUR sprouts.. they are growimg extremely slowly.. i know that there's about a 95% chance that only one will live, but what I'm trying to get at is I want my first time to be a good experience amd i know as a first timer that probably won't happen if I do it alone. Ill post pics of my set up... She's a blue dream seedling and the seed was perfectly mature from what i remember. Help?