First timer and i over watered =(


I over watered my plant,

Im at day 9, and two of leaves are browning at the tips. One jagged, one round.

I currently have it dry, and im going to give it at least another 30 hours before i water again. The plant at the moment doesn't seem.. close to death in any way, other than the tips, its not wilting, its getting enough light.

Did i kill my plant? Or will he most likely recover?


Well-Known Member
doesn't sound like over watering buddy
sounds like over nuting'
seeing how its a sprout, it cant handle any nutes yet
if u have added any, stop now , and dont add any till atleast another 2-3 weeks
and try and find sum soil wihtout to many already in it


Well-Known Member
and water it when its dry
its an easy rule of thumb to follow
water your plants when the soil is dry, and until runoff begins to flow out the bottom, also make sure you water everywhere in the pot as it iwll encourage roots to grow there
once you follow those rules and u start to get to know ur plant you can work out when to water it when it wants it
signs of over watering and under watering are drooping of the leaves

fuck that took a while to type out for sum reason :)