first time with shrooms


Well-Known Member
my friend is getting some shrooms in about 3 days. i have never done any thing other than weed. i wanted to see how much should i take and what should i expect from the trip


Well-Known Member
.....First off you all ready hypein your self for it ...which isnt a bad thing but not a good one be..First time i would go big not like crazy big like an eighth (3.50) just because i have never rolled before but alot of people told me that low dose of shroom make you feel the same way but i hate it your like in a gap not in relity but you are....that why bigger doses you just go ok what ever goign to happen is going to be the shrooms doin what there doin and let them do it ....Now fully splash into the pyscdellic world for your first time you laugh the whole night and stare at the wall lol....once you gain more trust with the mushroom do you wander on the but the woods is the place to trip...just no unintoxicated people there very weird and usallly just make a trip sour......peace and happy tripping :)


Well-Known Member
I get in anoying thought loops on shrooms LOL
same here, it took me like half an hour to make some toast once cause I kept getting sidetracked in thought lol. There is pretty decent range in the potency of the different strains. Half an eighth is what I did my first time, and I had an enjoyable trip.