First time with autos or outdoors


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I'm about venture outdoors for the first time with White Widow and CBD Compassion Lime from Dutch Passion.
How should I start autos for outdoors? I'm thinking of starting inside in something like 1 or 2 gallon pots then transplant into the ground? I have some Fox Farms Happy Frog and Ocean Forest on hand.
besure to mix in 25% perlite add even more if you intend to add your own nutes later

I'd be keeping them inside due to the shorter even shorter hours
The answers depend on things like where you live/what kind of climate you are in, and how much grow season you have left? DP strains can run really long, especially when you put them in the ground (according to their website, growing them in pots can shorten the finish time by 2-3 weeks). Where I am I can't start plants in July, unless I intended to finish them indoors. Just an example.