first time whats going on..deficiency?


hi fellows

I need some help on what kind of situation i am in?

Before almost a week they looked all healthy.
First grow and i have a sativa(uknown species) and purple hazes but one haze is 50 days old and the other 28. want to proceed to flowering now with 150watt cfl and "33 watt(2200lum)" among the plants.
I am growing in good plain soil, with my compost and perlite.
i can admit though that i maybe was very pushing on fert, i was using one time bloom and growth fert with aerated water and one time compost tea spray too.
I had some fungus gnats but did take care of them but now there are thrips but only larvas i am controling the situation.

I took a photo of the setup to give a general idea.and the leaves.

its possibly from over fert?I put oleatbio for the thrips its something like dense compost tea with essential oil.They all had the symptoms together and its geting worse.I put some propolis in the soil, you think is there any posibility that was for it? but maybe it started before.The leaves are always looking loose even if i just water. Should i rinse the soil, its normal or its somethin else?


Active Member
the cheapest way to kill bugs and stuff, is to take youre coffee maker and break up a few cigarettes in the filter and brew it. half (whatever you want to call it) and half distilled water. or.. go to lowes and buy Garden Safe (brand) Fungicide 3. works awesome. they look healthy from all outward appearances. when a grower puts in the time with plants, you get to know them. you notice EVERYTHING! more often than not, WE are the deficiency. if a lower fan leaf dies, people think their plant is dying and "oh shit, it needs more nutes" and nute burn occurs. just watch them. very few things put your plant out of reach from recovery. just watch em. good luck growing.


i wait to feel the ground bit dry every 2 or 3 days i may wasnt clear enough i water with compost tea not only spray.i am not counting the compost tea pH i read somewere that it doesnot matter its a works like buffer it was saying.


Active Member
your sprays wont bother your pH.. not as long as its topical. remember to spray UNDER the leaves. fastest absorbancy...