First time trying to make THC canola oil


Followed a guide on RU and I think I may have left the oil to heat too long.

Had it on medium for about 30 mins and it never simmered or boiled but when I put the finely ground bud in the pot it appeared to like vaporize the pot. It simmered and quickly reduced the amount I put in.

Not sure if this means I burnt it but I've attached a picture of what it looks like. Only about 45 mins in and 1/4 of bud used (12oz of oil to match recipe) so let me know if I'm screwed and am just gonna waste my time.

Thank you!IMAG1285.jpg


Well-Known Member
The test is in the pudding so say the English ...try it out, if you don't reply ...we at RIU. can understand


It was fucking awful, my entire house is finally almost aired out and I wasted 7gs of pretty nice nug.

Live and learn....