first time trying to grow outside?????


Hey guys, this is my first grow outside, since i have no land to myself that i can grow on whats the best place for me to grow, also i have no room in the house to grow, i like in northern west virginia, is that a good place to grow????


Well-Known Member
planting them in like the middle of the woods where they get the light they need and going out into the woods to take care of them that way if found they cant pin it on u because its not on ur property RIght?


yep! go look into the foresty area where sun shines down!! theres these bushes here down in so cal in the desert area that are perfect for poppin a plant or two in, just work your self into the branches tie a few of them to the sides so that sun comes from above easily, and MAKE SURE no one knows where your trail is.
it works as long as your in a safe spot.