First time tryin'


Active Member
So this is my first time ever trying to grow pot... or really grow anything.

I got some seeds from one of my friends because he was just going to toss em'...

Anyway, its been hard to get off the ground sort-of speak... I cant seem to get them to sprout/germinate.

I tried the damp papper towel/plate+bowl technique and after 3-4 days there is still no real sign of a root.

I've also tried just puting a few into soil and watering when my meater said the soil was getting dry.

So here are my questions I guess...

Why arnt my seeds growing?

Does PH make a huge difference in the plants life cycle?

Can I start seeds out in soil at all or do they NEED the root before I start?

Any help is much appreciated...


Well-Known Member
hard to say why you;re having problems - could be the seeds. i've used the paper towel method with 80% success. are you keeping the towels constantly wet? is the temp moderate? they aren't any more difficult to germinate than any other plant so keep at it and you'll start having success


Active Member
Yeah, when the paper towel starts to lose its wetness I give it a few sprays and then let it be.

the temp should be pretty consistant, im growing them indoors so if there is any variation its only about 5 degrees at any givin time and my house is kept at about 75-80 degrees so that range should still be fine.


I guess Ill just keep it up, its only been a few days I've read it could take up to 12 before germination takes effect depending on the dormancy of the seed.


Well-Known Member
If they are bag seed they just could be bad seeds.

Put seeds in a bowl with i inch of water in it for 24 hrs.

Plant seeds. Cover the seeds with a tad of soil, like the thickness of the seed. They will be up in 3 days. Keep the soil moist. Spray it like ya did the paper towel.


Active Member
Most people (that I know) will say the paper towel thing is best, others the bowl of water, personally:

I think it's best to just stick the seeds about 1/3 an inch below the soil in a small cup, put a sanwich bag on top and rubberband it to the top of the cup. Keeps the humidity in, soil stays wet till it pops. After it pops just remove the bag and watch your little baby grow, then transfer it when it's strong enough.

I may not know much about weed, but I'm a Landscaper by trade - I can grow a flower or two.