First time soil grow, what soil??

Hey fellas I have some LR2Xak47 fem, and poison dwarf that I plan on planting this weekend. I can't seem to find any good soils around such as fox farms but I have access to many other kinds. I found some Bat Guano- Humus .5-.5-.5 that seems to appeal to me. Could I use this along with organic top soil and perlite to create my own grow mediium? I plan on using earth juices for my grow also. I really am worried about getting my soil pH just right. Would this be a good combo for my plants?

I want to try out growing bags instead of pots for these easyriders yay or naa?


Well-Known Member
I've seen good things from grow bags, but I use 5 gal buckets. Miracle grow works. If you have a nursery in your town(yellow pages!), go there and ask for their 'choice' soil. Usually you can get some fairly cheap and high quality soil.
I've seen good things from grow bags, but I use 5 gal buckets. Miracle grow works. If you have a nursery in your town(yellow pages!), go there and ask for their 'choice' soil. Usually you can get some fairly cheap and high quality soil.

If I got their best soil would it be wise to add in some bat gauno and humus, along with blood meal and perlite?


Well-Known Member
Go to the organic section and the subcool sub forum. There's a 101 on soil there. If you're going to go through the trouble of adding that stuff, you ought to do it right.


Well-Known Member
Go to the organic section and the subcool sub forum. There's a 101 on soil there. If you're going to go through the trouble of adding that stuff, you ought to do it right.
Agreed. Either mix your own 100%(and know what you're doing), or just buy some(made by the pros).

Agreed. Either mix your own 100%(and know what you're doing), or just buy some(made by the pros).

Sun Grow Sunshine LC1


Formulated with Canadian Sphagnum peat moss, coarse grade perlite, gypsum, Dolomitic lime and our long-lasting wetting agent.

It was the best soil they had at around 24 bucks


Well-Known Member
I've used Miracle grow with pretty good results. And even cheaper soils...(outdoors, no additional 'treatment'). It's a weed, man, it wants to grow. Seriously.
I've used Miracle grow with pretty good results. And even cheaper soils...(outdoors, no additional 'treatment'). It's a weed, man, it wants to grow. Seriously.
Yea deffinetly. The first time around I used it it had time release nuts which i thinkstunted growth and led to pH problem.

But yet after this whole time i left those things in their containers and actually got 1 to bud!

Just picked up soil pH tester, test strips, and suuupaa thrive.

Going to Germ the AKXLR and Poison D tonight. I think I am going paper towel method. Do you guys know if cracking is necessary on all seeds or just ones that don't pop?


Well-Known Member
Pro Mix organic I think is the best, haven't used fox farms because of the price. It is what most greenhouses use, so you'll have to call and ask around like was mentioned above.

If you are set at picking something up at your local store just find something that says it's safe for seedlings and you should be alright. If you find organic it seems to work best.