First time shroom grow


Well-Known Member
Hey whats goin on, i am currently going through the steps preparing the medium and gathering all necessary items.
Prepping your popcorn.
#1 put 4/5 of your popcorn in the pressure cooker(no jars)
#2 Fill your pressure cooker 2in over the top of the corn.
#3 Put the top on and Pressure cook for 30mins.
#4 pop the pressure valve and remove the lid after your pressure cooker pressures down, youll know when the whistling sound stops.
#5 Dump your popcorn into a strainer in your bathtub.
#6 PRE-HEAT your bathtub water before starting to rinse your popcorn, if not, youll cool the corn too fast and the kernals will bust.
#9 RINSE lol
#10 Lay your Heavily rinsed popcorn out on a beach towel, roll it around and patt it dry, then stick a fan in front of it
#11 After 30 mins of Drying, you should be able to lay your hand on top of the corn and it not stick to you. if like 3 kernals stick its ok
#12 Put your dryed corn in the jars, fill about 2/3rds the way
#13 add the other 1/5th of your corn(that wasnt PC'd) Equal amounts to each jar
#14 PUt your lids on top of your jars, just dont tighten them down, this should keep the jars from building too much pressure.
#15 Put something in the bottom of your PC so your jars dont sit directly on top of the hot bottom of the PC.
#16 put your jars in and fill with water in the PC about 1/2 way up the sides of your corn jars.
#17 PUt on the top and put on the stove on hi
#18 When your pressure release starts to whistle, turn the heat back about 1/3 of the way. So if you were on the 10th(high) setting on your stove, turn it down to about 6 this should keep your cooker at a steady temp.
#19 Now you start counting your 90mins
#20 After the 90mins, turn off the stove and release the pressure, pull the top when the pressure is gone.
#21 with oven mits on, pull your jars out, one by one, tightening the lids as you remove them. Place them on a towel on a counter where they can sit overnight.
#22 Repeat steps 14-21 for any jars you didnt fit in the first PC run
#23 The next day, put the jars in a cool dark place to settle while your waiting for your spores.
Doing your a couple days early will let you see if they are completely clean before adding your spores. When you get the spores, inspect the jars for anything growing in them, nothing should be there since the PC killed everything. If there is something growing, the PC'ing didnt work and youll have to start back at step 1 for that jar. its not uncommon to get 1 or 2 jars out of 12 that didnt completely clean.

Spore Water Jar.
Take one of your jars with a sealed hole in the top, fill it about 1/2 way with bottled water. Put the lid on tight and PC for about 15mins using same method as pressure cooking the popcorn. Do 2 jars, because its likely 1 will do whats called "Carmilization" its where your water turns thick, compressed, kind of like syrup but clear, you dont want this. when the jars cool you should be able to shake them and it be like shaking a bottle of water, same liquid density.
Youll want to go ahead and make the water jars too, Itll have you ready when you get the spores.

Spore Syringes.
#1 you need to sterilize everything, a small bathroom is great for this. Bleach the countertops, put your gloves on and make sure to whipe EVERYTHING down with alcohol, including your spore bags and the port-hole on the water jar.
#2 Get your water jar, syringe, needle, and spore print.
#3 Quickly remove your syringe and get the needle on
#4 Take a lighter and heat the needle tip until its bright red
#5 stick the needle in the port hole in the water jar and draw back the full 12cc.
#6 Take your spore print, (its in a bag, printed on foil) Gently penetrate the spore bag with the needle(dont pierce both sides of the bag) and inject the water into the bag, Whatever you do, dont open the zipper part of the bag to do this, it will pull in air and all air has spores(good and bad) in it unless your working under a laminar flowhood(they retail around $2000 lol)
#7 now gently, without removing the needle from the bag, rub the spore print itself throught he bag, youll notice it will turn all your water dark purple, this is spore solution.
#8 draw the spore water back into the syringe, try not to get air pockets in it.
#9 Reflame the needle until its red(it will blow the access spore water out of the needle = less chance of contamination) and put the needle cap back on, youll want to store this in your fridge or a cool place, about the same envionment as storing seeds.
Ok i got the first three jars of popcorn PC'ing. 90minutes and i will take out then seal. Is there a risk of them breaking when taking out?

How much half quart jars will one print do? how much ml of spore water should be injected into each jar?

does the silicone last multiple punctures or just the one? does the silicone process have to be redone next time i go through this process?
Ok i got the first three jars of popcorn PC'ing. 90minutes and i will take out then seal. Is there a risk of them breaking when taking out?

How much half quart jars will one print do? how much ml of spore water should be injected into each jar?

does the silicone last multiple punctures or just the one? does the silicone process have to be redone next time i go through this process?

You dont have to let them sit, as long as the jars dont have any cracks when you pull them out and you dont sit them on a cold surface youll be fine. just take a beach towel, fold it over a couple of times, put it on a counter top and put the jars there. The towel will absorb all the heat so that the cold counter top doesnt bust the bottom of the glass.

You should innoculate each jar with under 1cc/ml of spore solution, some poeple think more spores is better, this is wrong. More spores equal more genotypes fighting to take over the jar. The only way more of anything is better when innoculating jars is actual tissue(ie agar wedge, Liquid culture, or grain to grain)

Most times you only have to re-silicone your jars every 10 or so times you can puncture them, so you should be fine for a while.
while I dont agree with the 8 hour wait, you deffinitly cant pull them right out and innoculate......... the heat will kill every last little spore short of a miracle if you do that, i wait 3 4 hours with my pressure cooker in a fridge or on a bucket of ice speeds it up slightly but wait a few hours after the glass is cool to the touch.
Yeah but with popcorn its best to wait a few days to innoculate so the sweat from the corn on the insides of the jar gets re-obsorbed by the corn giving less chance of yeast buildup..

The reason i said pull them right out is because only doing 3 jars at a time, its going to take more than just 1 round to do 10 jars. but leaving in the pc for 8hours is absurd, letting it sit long enough for the water inside the pc to cool is crazy IMO. why let it cool when your just going to heat it right back up?
ok i see what your saying just wanted to make sure no one innoculates right after cooking them, since they need to cool


11 jars PC'd. 9 are a mix of both yellow and white popcorn. 2 of are a mix of popcorn mix with a little vermiculite (wasnt planning on these two- ran out of dry popcorn)

Waiting for spores and letting these sit for any signs of contam.
Good luck your grow, aev! Subbed for sure. I'm sure those green thumbs of yours will translate nicely over into the fungi kingdom ;)
Good luck your grow, aev! Subbed for sure. I'm sure those green thumbs of yours will translate nicely over into the fungi kingdom ;)
Hey man good to have you around! Just threw up some pics of the sativas on my journal. Whats been up?

goodolboy, do you use a glove box? can you shed some light on your preferred methods when using a terrarium?