First time shroom grow log :)

Ok well I gone ahead and strarted some Shrooms tonight. golden Teacher is going to teach me thing or two dang it:) I am doing rice flour cakes. Well here are some pics of how I am doning it and what I have used. Comments are welcomed.



Well-Known Member
I've often thought about trying something like this, I'll be following this one along, good luck!


Well-Known Member
damn...i was always surious about this. So you have to cook the rice to get it into a cake patty form right? Ill keep in touch with this log!
Day 10

All seems well except one side of some of my jars are developing a little slower but I still think I am good. Still no signs of contamination and no smells SO YEA BABY Can't wait to go on this trip. he he he



Well-Known Member
those look good. good job.

certainly did much more in terms of cleanliness, but your pictures look like mine at various time frames.

keep an eye out for an update soon, keep up the good work and keep us posted.


if everything looks good and things are clean just not growing, try increasing the temps alittle. i was running what i thought was 75-79F. i had slow growth with no contam.

this batch i have now will be 3 weeks in jars on this coming wednesday. most of the growth i obtain happened in the past 5-6 days. for 2 weeks my mycelium was non existent or about the size of a dime. now my jars are almost full.

try it with your worst one. see if it helps. try to stay closer to 83-85F it should help.


Well-Known Member
I would rather have slow growth than a contamination. Put that in perspective. Lower temperatures help reduce the risk of contam, however they also slow mycelium growth a bit too. However, not in any negative way.
Well Most are almost ready for birthing. I did throw one away. Not for sure if it was contaminated but I saw some little black particals in the jar so I would rather be safe than... dead. Probly building my terrianum today and if all goes well birthing friday. Well Heres those pics.



Well-Known Member
Looks cool. Good luck. I have no clue of how shrooms grow, or the process in growing them, but looks nice. Will watch this one.


Well-Known Member
I also have no idea about growing other than reading so after the jars what is the "birthing" process and what exactly does it entail?


Well-Known Member
So after you birth the shrooms what kind of climate do oyu put em in? any special climate or light control or anything. also how long did it take you till you were able to birth it from the start?
timmy- you can get spores from people online.i know someone who is growing em right now ill ask him where he got his if you want to know.


Well-Known Member
where did you get the materials for the shroom grow?

i have seen some shit online where i can buy spores at one place and get a grow kit at another. (its illegal to seel them both at one place). Says they grow in like 10-15 days? Never have grown any but have taken them before and like em. been wanting to learn how to grow.


Well-Known Member
I have never grown but did quite a few hours of reading about it, they take between 7 and 14 days to grow, so I've heard, but it takes a month or longer to get contaminated(Idk if that's the word) in the jar. and to Stover, after birthing they are placed into a tub or some kind of enclosed thing that is very very humid. Idk if it needs lights can't remember. SHroom growers correct me if I'm wrong, but that's how I understood it.