first time growing


First off,I'd like to say hello to all the smokers :blsmoke: This is my first time trying to grow.I have four plants growing outdoors,in pots,on my pooldeck.I live in Palm Beach,FL where the humidity is high and it is always HOT! Just want to know if I need to do any thing special or do I just water and watch grow?


Well-Known Member
Depends on how much you want to control the grow or if you want to just let those babies grow o'natural.
I mean I'm not a outdoor grower but I'm sure some nutes and good soil never hurt. Good soil is a key component IMO. You def want to have big enough pots and I always use filterd water.


Active Member
I'd make sure you pH your soil and the water you're giving them. If the soil isn't between 6.2-6.8, they won't be able to absorb nutrients fully, and your plants and thus their yield will be significantly lower. If it's off, the cheapest and easiest solution is just to add baking soda to raise the pH and vinegar to lower it. That's one of the most important fundamentals you can do just to make sure your plants can get what they need from the soil in the first place. Also robbzilla gives good advice. You might want to pick up a basic plant nutrient to give your buddies some Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium, which are the three biggies. Those would be my basic recommendations, but other than that, keep it simple. Nature knows what it's doing, so other than a helping hand your plants won't need much other than regular watering and space to do their thing. Best of luck with your first, keep us posted brother!


okay,great. Thanks for replying.The pots that they r in are about 11-12" in height and if put a ruler accross them i'd say about 10-12" in diamiter.A friend told me to get miricalgrow potting soil and MG plant food,so I did and they r about 2 1/2- 3 weeks old and 2 of the plants r about 20" in hieght.....u say "room to do their thing"should I dig holes in my yard and replant them? I am also going to take some pics and try to get them posted to let the growth be seen.......thanks again cuz n e advice is greatly needed.


Well-Known Member
Well MG soil and nutes are not the best but you can grow with them. A better soil would be some type of pro mix (perilite,vermiculite,soil mix) or some organic soil. A lot of people say fox farm soil is good idk I just use my own mix that I make at home.

Man you have room in your yard to dig a hole and stick those babies in there do it. Then they can grow as big as they want.


okay,holes in the yard it is ....I am sitting on an acre,so yeah,plenty of room.And yes i will get some better soil mixture....took some pics but couldnt get them to send will keep trying just to let u all C them....will keep u all posted thanks again