First time growing (If i try outside)


Hey yall,

I was going to try growing my seeds outside after i germinate, the strain is blue cheese and is 100% indica:leaf::leaf::leaf:

I got suggested from somebody here on my other thread to grow outside, my original plan was to start it off indoors because its an indoor strain apparently...I was going to do the vegging stage indoors and then ease it outdoors for the flowering stage with cfls. But i wanted to see if i could try doing the whole thing outdoors so some things to know about whats outdoor, well... There is alot of forest around so i intend to do it just outside the forest in a place where nobody goes and that there is sun shining down on it...Also i live in florida and its winter with temperatures from 60 to 80 degrees fahrenheit i wanted to know if this would be okay

Thanks in advance guys


Well-Known Member
Hi TDawg,
The temps should be fine, the problem is going to be keeping light on the plants long enough, during the Winter. Without supplementing the light, there just aren't enough daylight hours to keep the plants in veg. They will go into flower way too soon. With the mild temps you have, you could maybe grow them in pots, in your yard (or veg indoors as you mentioned). Then bring them in for 5 or 6 more (at least 4) hours of light in the evenings.

Good luck whatever you decide.

R2T :peace: