First time growing, germination questions

Hello, this is my first time growing, I just received my seeds in the mail and am going to start germinating. I plan on dampening paper towels with PH balanced water in placing them in a taco bell tray.

Underneath the tray i will have a heating pad, the only problem Is that the heating pad has a 2 hour cut off.

I have tried one seed so far I placed it on the paper towel inside of the Tupperware dish with a sealed LID I also have a space heater in the room heating the room to about 80°,so far, no sprout, so I figured if I tried the heating pad it would work the only thing is getting around that to our cut off any suggestions?


Active Member
Hello, this is my first time growing, I just received my seeds in the mail and am going to start germinating. I plan on dampening paper towels with PH balanced water in placing them in a taco bell tray.

Underneath the tray i will have a heating pad, the only problem Is that the heating pad has a 2 hour cut off.

I have tried one seed so far I placed it on the paper towel inside of the Tupperware dish with a sealed LID I also have a space heater in the room heating the room to about 80°,so far, no sprout, so I figured if I tried the heating pad it would work the only thing is getting around that to our cut off any suggestions?
The best germination method I've found is in "rosemans bubbleponic tutorial". I've never used a heating pad to germinate. I also presoak my seeds 4-6 hors or until they sink... I'll bet there are a couple good methods in the FAQ (upper right) they've really got some good stuff there


Well-Known Member
i put the paper towel in a zip lock bag and blow in it to fill it before i seal it up and put it on top of something warm.i put it on top of my light but your cable box or something like that will be warm enough.are you going into soil? if so look into a hempy bucket or pm me its very easy to do and cheap.



Well-Known Member
just keep doing what you're doing and you'll have roots within a day or two. no need to worry about a heater if your room temps are 60's or above.