First time growing ever Supercrop questions


New Member
Hey guys I just started growing for the first time ever and I am keen on supercropping. The only thing is I don't know when to begin the supercropping process.
My seeds were planted on the 14th of Feb so they are almost 1 month old.11 March.jpg
Can someone please tell me how much more growth I need on them before I can supercrop. I don't wanna do it too early and kill my plant :-?
As it's your first grow why not let the plant grow naturally, I just think taking on an advanced technique on your first grow is not wise. Good luck with whatever you choose to do though.
I did think about it alot just to see how it grows and all that but people have said in threads it isn't as hard as it's made to be I just wanted to know how large my plant would need to be to supercrop.
myself i usually use super cropping combined with topping. first i top the plant twice over the course of 2 weeks or so to get 8+ tops which i then supercrop right where they join the main stem, this gives me very short dense plants with strong a strong support structure.

anyways here is a video on how to super crop in general
Follow Adjorrs advice. Id trim the 2 yellow lowers off and let it go for another week then top it. Mabey transplant into at least 5 gallon bucket or whatever your finishing in before you super crop it.