first time growing CLFs,


Well-Known Member
What up yall! Im kinda living in an area where garden shops dont exist.. I know its probably hard to believe..
Well I will tell ya now, just getting seeds was no easy task, since actual marijuana is non existant.. There is some hash around, if you are lucky. I knew this ahead of time, so I was able to bring some seeds from back home with me.. I cant really find any place here that even has worth while garden supplies.. Even if I wanted to get some HIDs, I think I would have to mail order.. The language barrier sure dont help, to find the exact things Im looking for when it comes to gardening.. There are some hardware stores around but I have seen better garden sections at a super Walmart..LOL now that pretty damn bad..

Anyways I was lucky enough to find some 75 watt CFLs.. BUT I could only find them in the redish spectrum, about 2800K I believe... I couldnt find any in the blue spectrum.. There was some in the very far blue spectrum.. Like in the 6000K.. Would them work ok for veg. growth? To me I wouldnt think so...
I was even looking at the regular flors, but they were alll in the very far blue spectrum..
I have read else where on the forum, that alot, or some have had good results just from the "soft white" CLFs.. Im wanting to get atleast 4, which would give me about 300 watts..
Would this be enough, and about how many plants could I expect to grow with the best results?
Im personaly hoping to grow atleast 4-6 plants, and anywhere from 2-4 foot, if possible...
Now soil, and fertilizer are going to be hard to come by.. Well fertilizer more then soil.. I found a "organic" soil.. Im sure it will due.. Im thinking its pure potting soil, with nothing added... All the fertilizer I see, seems to not be in english.. Only think I can read is the n-p-k.. Which is good enough to know atleast..
BUT Im hoping to use organics, which at first glance these dont look organic... Finding wormcastings, or wood ash, or anything else you can find at you're local grow shop, isnt going to be found here..
I have asked around, and everyone tell me to goto the same place.. Which is the place Im talking about in the first place..
Its just a hardware shop kinda like HQ, or Home Depot.. ONLY not as good..LOL It really sucks..
Im looking on ebay, and hoping I can get somethings there..
Like clone solution, and superthrive. Which Im also wondering, I found a B1 vit. bottle of solution here, but Im really sure that superthrive is far better..
If I remember right, its not just B1, and has alot of extra goodness.. I have used it in past gardens, back home.. So Im not a total noob at growing.. Its been many years, and that was an outside garden.. So this IS my first indoor garden.. I do plan on cloning, as long as some of the seeds turn out to be worthy.. Really its my only hope, cause Im limited on seeds.. Guess I kinda railed off into leftfield as far as my lights go..
So any suggestions?
Also would a 6500K clf br good enough for veg growth? I though it might be too far in the blue, but I would like to know what everyone else thinks.. If they would work, then any suggestions on the blue/red ratio I should try..
For now I think Im only going to get 4 maybe 5, 75 watt bulbs, as I said Im hoping to get 4-6 plants around 2-4 ft tall.. Would this be enough light?


Well-Known Member
Eash, after I read a bit of that here's my .02

Go to or back to the store. You can get a 70w HPS/MH security light. Look up what each bulb looks like. Go in with the knowledge and walk out with the parts.

I just don't know about CFLs, sorry but good luck!


Well-Known Member
lol, well thx for the reply.. However I dont live anywhere around a homedepot.. This is one of the many problems I face in this part of the world.. No grow shops, and nothing like a home depot.. There are a few small scale hardware stores around, and that about all they have.. I was lucky enough to find the 75 watt CLFs.. Look at this guys garden, he has been doing quite well with CLFs


Well-Known Member
ok buddy well you are a soldier and i like your attitude, are you sure in the rare case you get caught that in this region that you are in, you will no be punished harshly?

that is all i was worried about other than that you got it man cfls will work not ideal but definatly not a deal breaker. do a search on google about the right k's for flowering and veging other than that keep the cfls as close as possible to the plant without burning it and dont grow if you are risking some serious shit, sounds like you in the boonies and some boonies are very dangerous. godspeed


Well-Known Member
"dont grow if you are risking some serious shit, sounds like you in the boonies and some boonies are very dangerous. godspeed"

I'd like to 2nd that. Sorry I couldn't be of any help with the other post. . . or this one, but wish you safety, and some good :joint:.


Well-Known Member
Yes well thx.. Im not 100% sure how bad it could be.. it does sound like it could be pretty harsh if your found out... So, I still plan on trying to atleast get a small garden underway, none the less..
Im having some troubles finding good fertilizers.. THe NPK ratios are all crazy.. I was hoping to get some organic fertilizers, but I dont think its going to happen..

I have asked around just to see if the natives here know anything about cutting, and making clones.. IDK if its different for some plants, then others..
I have always read about rooting solutions for cannabis.. Im just asking them about house hold plants, and flowers here..
They say here all you need to is cut it and plant
So I know this isnt true for cannabis, so Im guess either they dont know the first thing about cloning, or that some plants dont need rooting solutions to make clones...
IDK which is corrrect.. Probably the first one..
So Im sure I will end up going to ebay for some cloning solution..
Im thinking about one called CLoneX..
Anyone know much about that one?
Also Im wanting to verify, if superthrive is uesd from beginning to the end?
Im also going to have to get this from ebay..
The most popular fertilizer I see at every store with a garden section is Liquinox.
Here are a bit of info on them..
First I found a B1, Im guessing if I get superthrive this wont be needed?
Liquinox Start (Vit. B-1)
This is the growth NPK ratios, and link for more info on this line 10-10-5
Liquinox Grow 10-10-5
And their bloom mix its 0-10-10
Liquinox Bloom 0-10-10

Im seeing a problem with the bloom, not having any nitrogen in the mix.. There are others around..
One is Scotts, Hyponex brand.. Are these ok..
Any advice on best NPK ratios? or atleast best that can hoped to be maintained..
There are actually many more various ratios around in the Hyponex..
By the name I first thought it was ment for hydro growth.. Since I dont think hydro even exists here, its probably not..LOL

Another question I have is are 6500L clfs going to help for veg? I found 2800K, and planeed on only use them.. I thought 6500K was not going to be able to help much for veg growth.. If I have 300 watts would this also be enough light for 4-6 plants.. My Ideal goal is 450 watts, which would be 6- 75 watt CFLs.. Well thx again for all the advice, I hope it keeps on coming :)


Well-Known Member
The general rule is 100 watts per plant. At 450 watts you should be able to grow 4 plants.
You actually want the 6500k lights for vegging because they have a blue spectrum. Switch to the 2700 k lights for flowering because the have a red spectrum which blooming plants love.