First time grower.


New Member
Hi, I started a thread before and I'm sure that I maybe should've posted elsewhere.
we have six clones, in separate pots, under 150w and a 300w.
they are roughly 8 weeks old. And right now 18 inches tall.
We are going all organic, with happy frog soil and 25%perlite.
we are using the basic nectar of the gods nutes.
The lower leaves are yellowing and the they are starting to look a little peaked.
the chick at the grow shop said to use them everytime we water. Also, I didn't know the ph would change on its own over time, so the ph was way too high.
They never have any run off out of the bottoms of the pots, I water every other day, not too heavily. And if they start to droop I give them some earlier.
with careful monitoring of the ph, will the ph problem correct itself? And the yellowing go away?
I have a ppm pen and a fancy ph pen. Also a soil ph tester. And a co2 bag on the wall.
thanks for the feedback.


New Member
hi. I don't have any info on ph. other than use distilled water if it's the water and mix your nutes before use. we are also first timers. I just posted in the noob forum this morning about my grow looking for advice. so i'm not talking from experience here. I did look up common "new grower mistakes" so I would know what to avoid. over watering keeps coming up talked to the guy at the grow shop too. was advised to not schedual water but rather by weight of the pot. if it feels light it's time to water and let it run through and drain, not sit in it, then leave it until it needs it again. to let it dry a bit in between waterings ya know. but not completely of course. sounds like you've got all the tools to monitor your ph. good luck!


Well-Known Member
If i'm correct, all organic starts with a base soil then
amended with all the organic goodies.

  • While I agree that a custom living soil is the best organic (learning to and executing this takes considerable time and effort),​

If your using liquid neuts then your grow
is most likly not all organic. Liquid neuts most always
have chelating agents etc...all kinds
of inorganic compounds if you look at
the guaranteed analysis on the nuet bottle.
There might be some organic material in
your liquid nuets but you probably have all
the inorganic chemical stuff in there as well.

Ph should never have to be checked or adjusted
in a soil grow and you should let runoff occur to
rid the excessive salt build up from your liquid neuts
that you use to feed. Feed, let dry a bit then water with some runoff
then let dry out a bit again then feed, let dry a bit then water only
with some runoff repeat steps etc....


Well-Known Member
^^^wtf are you talking about
EDIT just to correct what that guy said for an organic grow you do not flush, because you can not flush the amendments out of the pot. They are not water soluable like Chemical nutes. Only a bit of the organics are converted into NPK at a time, that is why its very hard to burn using organics.

i don't have experience with those specific nutes, but personally i would water with every other watering with higher amounts don't water every other day water till its pouring out of the bottom then lift the pot feel how much heavier it is when filled with water add a table spoon of molasses (unsulfured, brer rabbit is what i use) to your water to feed the micro herd

if this is your first grow i suggest just using synthetic nutrients foxfarm is a good line you can get the trio for 50 bucks

more often then not ph is the problem but in your case i would say your not feeding enough hence the n deficiency typically new growers would only veg for 4 weeks at 8 weeks theres alot more that can go wrong a 4 week minor deficiency can turn into a serious problem i would need some pics to really see whats going on here

a shot in the dark i would say you have little to no micro heard your microbes just die between each watering so it takes longer for the organic matter to be eaten and served to your plants add some of that molasses to feed them and keep em healthy

you don't need to test the soil just the water


Well-Known Member
I don't grow organics, but one thing I know in my case, is if your water's PH is fucked up, it will fuck up your soil, unless you have amended it with lime. Even then I adjust my water to 6.5, on the nose. Peace


Active Member
Uhh spex420 had some great info and was right. Good points Right up until he suggested fox farms trio of nutes. Dont waste your money on these. For one they don't support enough N for growth and to much P and K. I used these myself till i realized what the hell i was doing. Stay away from cannabis specific nutes as most have to much P and K to support foliage escpecially those " bloom " nutes or those bud candy's. Please stay away. Also 50 $ damn ! Dyno Gro is a much better product Foliage pro to be exact. Has a npk of 9-3-6 that is great for veg and can be used in flower as well as containing all the essential nutrients needed. and its " beyond organic " ha. They also have a 1-3-2 for flower as well. Much better quality and much better price. I switched and would never go back. Check out this thread its perfect for you. And like he said Dont worry about your ph to much. soil has a great buffering ability it will be a waste of your time. Great info on there. hope that helps Good Luck


Well-Known Member
Uhh spex420 had some great info and was right. Good points Right up until he suggested fox farms trio of nutes. Dont waste your money on these. For one they don't support enough N for growth and to much P and K. I used these myself till i realized what the hell i was doing. Stay away from cannabis specific nutes as most have to much P and K to support foliage escpecially those " bloom " nutes or those bud candy's. Please stay away. Also 50 $ damn ! Dyno Gro is a much better product Foliage pro to be exact. Has a npk of 9-3-6 that is great for veg and can be used in flower as well as containing all the essential nutrients needed. and its " beyond organic " ha. They also have a 1-3-2 for flower as well. Much better quality and much better price. I switched and would never go back. Check out this thread its perfect for you. And like he said Dont worry about your ph to much. soil has a great buffering ability it will be a waste of your time. Great info on there. hope that helps Good Luck

you contradicted yourself twice in one post foxfarm doesnt support enough n for growth.. grow big is 6-4-4 in addition to that its a part organic line so he gets the best of both worlds foxfarm is tried and true if you insult fox farm i take that shit to heart :)

dyna grow is 7-9-5 foliage pro is bad news bears imo i don't feel as if i need to justify that


Active Member
excuse me. dyno gro foliage pro is a 9-3-6 Look it up. Do some research. Look at the NPK of the bloom nutes that you recommended. All though you can use these with additions and amendments by why? Especially for someone getting started. Does not make sense. Why not use a one product soultion and be done with it for less money. Why dick around with 3 different bottles and then having to mix them and add this. Come on man. Do some research before you started saying things. Google dyno gro foliage pro or here ill do it for you Here you go. Hopefully you can read that. and read this

Edit: Grow big is for veg. Like most people he will then switch to the " bloom " Which is not a 6-4-4. So your wrong again 0 for 2.


Well-Known Member
excuse me. dyno gro foliage pro is a 9-3-6 Look it up. Do some research. Look at the NPK of the bloom nutes that you recommended. All though you can use these with additions and amendments by why? Especially for someone getting started. Does not make sense. Why not use a one product soultion and be done with it for less money. Why dick around with 3 different bottles and then having to mix them and add this. Come on man. Do some research before you started saying things. Google dyno gro foliage pro or here ill do it for you Here you go. Hopefully you can read that. and read this

Edit: Grow big is for veg. Like most people he will then switch to the " bloom " Which is not a 6-4-4. So your wrong again 0 for 2.
thats cute its like you saw my post and got yourself flustered and starting spitting out links and muttering sentence fragments im not here to argue with you peace brother

i see that dyna grow foliage is 9 3 6 i use dyna myself iv heard about people using foliage pro, iv used foxfarm in the past works well i suggested foxfarm line bcuz hes been using organics a expensive line at that instead of using a cheapo yet effective super concentrated synthetic nutrient line and kill all his micro heard stick with a low concentrate partial organic line keep his micro heard going and see his organic grow thru to the end instead of just a cop out

he can use foxfarm grow big 6-4-4 then switch to tiger bloom/bloom thats how growing works... you switch nutrients when you switch to flower.

oh and before i forget stop posting that hooked on bloom foods link that guys plants are foxtailed and fluffy and look like shit especially sad seeing as its a outdoor grow sucking on the tit of a thread like that makes you look bad imo good luck to you sir and stay high :bigjoint:


Active Member
Haha thanks for the laugh good luck to you and stay high as well. And re read my post like I said a 1-3-2 is great for flower after stretch. Again. Do more research. And posting a link by uncle ben makes me look bad? Again do research before start talking shit on members. Good luck to you.


Well-Known Member
take run off from your soil, and correct with your water each time or in a massive flood and hope that it works i guess. Say your Ph was some retarded 4.0... USE high ass digits to run through if i had to assume, and keep running water through them till you get the magic 6.5 ph from run off. I mean like ph your water to like 12, and shit, and just run run run run till your entire soils ph has shifted, if its very dramatic, it will probably take a while. Although ive been in the game like 6 months, and this is just a guess at something i would to to correct the problem, if you want professional help, sorry i seriously don't count.