First Time Grower w/ Stats -- How much Yield Should I Expect?


Active Member
Hi everyone!

I'm a first-time grower, and I'm curious how much yield I should expect from my first beautiful crop of 7-9 fingered friends. :)

They're going on 5 weeks right now, and are looking beautiful.

My Lighting Setup:
---4 Fluorescent shop lights with 8 40-watt T12 fluorescent tubes. Some are soft white, with most warm.
--- 1 90 watt LED UFO grow light.
---4 compact fluorescent, 23-watt bulbs hanging above lesser-served plants.
---Lights are on 24 hours per day for the vegetative cycle, which I plan on continuing for another 2 weeks. Then I will switch it to a 12-hour cycle for 7-9 weeks.

I keep the lights as close as possible to the plants. (Heck, I let them touch pretty much all the time. No burns...ever.)

Grow area: 2ft x 4 1/2ft in a walk-in closet.

Airflow: A small high-velocity fan that the planties seem to love.

Closet Temperature: Fluctuating between 65-85 degrees depending on the weather.

Plants: There are 8 beautiful plants inside. All are White Widow grown from seed in soil from Nirvana. They are not feminized seeds, so I might have to weed some out.

Fertilizer: I am using an organic fish/seaweed fertilizer that the plants seem to love. I see no signs of nitrogen burn; however, I do have some red and purple on stems. Underfertilization?

Soil: Miracle Grow Soil mixed with sand and perilite. 2/5 sand. 3/5 Miracle Grow soil. Copious amounts of perilite.

My electric consumption in that closet is just over 500 watts. I did not opt to buy the HPS lighting systems due to the overheating problem and lack of ventalation. (I don't have much choice here given where I live.) Generally with all lights on, the grow closet is only about 5-8 degrees warmer than the general room temperature. So, if the temperature gets up to 85, which is about as hot as it gets in my location in the summer, it will only rarely rise to about 90-95 degrees in there. Today it never got above 70 in their closet.

Check out my plantie pictures!



Well-Known Member
theres nothing wrong with red/purple stems. its natural to alot of plants.
if it was it would be a phosphorus def.
Those bushes look too healthy to deficient!
keep up the good work


Active Member
theres nothing wrong with red/purple stems. its natural to alot of plants.
if it was it would be a phosphorus def.
Those bushes look too healthy to deficient!
keep up the good work
Thank you. :) I'm glad to know that the coloration on the stems is normal.


Well-Known Member
My first grow was 6 plants barely vegged and flowered under 400w of CFLs. Yielded 151.6 grams (5.4 oz). Cant tell how many plants you have or how long your planning on vegging but i'de say you should hit at least a zip a plant.


Active Member
Really healthy looking plants btw. props

Thank you, Gastanker. I credit the plants for being so healthy, because I'm new. lol

I was hoping to get at least 4 oz for personal use, so if you got over 5 with a 400 watt fluoro setup, woo-hoo!

That's encouraging. (5.4 oz)