First time grower in Michigan needing help on when to harvest.

So I planted some bag seeds about 3 months ago. I planted one plant then 2 more about 2 weeks after that one. I think my first plant is ready to harvest but I'm not exactly sure. Also a lot of it's leaves are turning purple or yellow. I found a big crack at the bottom of the stem so i'm afraid if I wait any longer it's just going to die. I'll post some pics. Any help would be appreciated. IMG_0651.JPGIMG_0652.JPG
Don't worry about the crack. Just make sure you support it. I might suggest taking a wooden dowel and over lapping that area. Then GENTLY wrap them together with flexible rubber coated wire.
That plant has nice colors and it's not ready yet. It's natural for some leaves to turn yellow late in flower. It also could be temp related. But more info is needed to know that. You add support properly that will not affect anything. Do it to tight and damage the stem further not good. Be gently and you'll be fine.

It's not about leaf color. It's ripe when the sugars tell you it's right. Look for cloudy and or Amber crystals.
get a jewelers loupe. Cheap on amazon.

time is dependent on lots of variables: Strain, amount of light, nutes, temp, etc. Also, when times are listed they usually mean once flowering begins. A 60 day strain will be ready 60 days after the first sign of flowering, not 60 days from seed
Comercial indoor crops generally take 3 months. Outdoors you are subject to mother nature and your plants genetics to decide when they start and finish flowering.
Alright so heres some more pictures of the plants. Also i'm using a 2-4-2 fertilizer about once a week. Tell me what you think. I also included the the crack in the stem of plant #1. I think an animal tried going to town on it.
Plant #1
IMG_0658.JPG IMG_0657.JPG

Plant #2

Plant #3

IMG_0660.JPG IMG_0662.JPG IMG_0655.JPG
Thanks for your help guys! What's the best way to look at the crystals? Should I go out and buy a powerful magnifying glass?
Yup. Or one of those pocket microscopes with the lite at the end you can get them off Amazon or local dispensary sometimes. Thats what I use. Also it depends on what kind of high you want when you harvest the plant. You should do alil more research about harvesting then at least youll have an idea of what to look for depending on what kind of high you want.
Should of cross that pink bag seed strain to a good genetic. I bet that shit would become a really nice strain if done correctly. Good luck to you and like everyone said, you still have at least another month to go.