First time grower here: Some questions


Active Member
I am a first-time grower. I planted two sprouts and they each died. The first time, I planted it out back. After a couple weeks, it got the crap beat out of it by some heavy rain, so it started to wilt outside. So, I brought it inside and it continued to wilt horribly every day 'til it was flat on the ground, barely alive.

I noticed I had a couple of other sprouts out back (I just planted a ton of seeds, lol), so I took one of them, uprooted my existing sprout which was dying, and replaced it with a new sprout. I actually think this was a mistake because this one wilted every quicker than the first one. The transplant apparently shocked it, because it started wilting, then one day (in like 24 hours) it turned completely brown. The day after I uprooted the first one, the plant's corpse looked like its leaves had gotten bigger.

So, here is where I am now: I planted a third sprout in a large pot (maybe 3 gallons?) out back (this time no transplanting!) in a mix of 1/2 regular potting soil in the bottom and 1/2 Miracle Grow growing soil (for fast-rooting, for sprouts) on the top. It's been about 3 weeks' of growth. I have the two little "baby leaves" (I forget what they're called, the first two leaves on the bottom), I have four leaves -- two grew first, then two more just appeared recently growing out of the middle of the plant.

Also, in the local area I just went crazy with planting seeds in the forests all over. My plan is to basically just let nature take care of that shit, then come back and hopefully, out of 20 to 30 seeds planted, at least SOME of them will survive and not get picked or eaten by deer.

Anyway, I looked at the FAQs and I still have some questions.

Here are my questions:
#1. Do male plants have buds? If so, are they smokeable? I've seen some conflicting information on this. Some sites say yes to both, some sites say no to both.

#2. When should I add fertilizer, what kind (liquid you add every few days or the pellets which last all season), and how much?

#3. How big of a pot should you have for a plant?

I went to the bookstore and read through (didn't buy -- no money right now) the Cannabis Grower's Bible. It said that yellowing is a sign of lack of nutrients. I've also read you should add fertilizer after about three weeks 'cuz the grow soil only has that much nutrients. Right now, it looks like (I'm not sure) the plants are yellowing a little bit at the creases of the leaves, just a tiny bit. It was wilting yesterday because of too much rain (not too heavy -- just too much water). Today, though, the sun evaporated some water, dried it out, and it perked back up.
#1 no

#2 about 2 weeks after the leaves pop above the soil.

#3 depends on who you talk to, some say 1 gallon per foot...... but if your satisfying your plants the way they want, you can get away with smaller pots.
people who tell you to smoke the males cause they have buds are just being complete assholes, and they know that they are giving you a bullshit answer.... they just don't have enough patience for the noobs.
people who tell you to smoke the males cause they have buds are just being complete assholes, and they know that they are giving you a bullshit answer.... they just don't have enough patience for the noobs.
Here are some examples:

Can you smoke a male plant? - Forums
From someone who actually has smoked a male plant (and isnt just speculating), yes you can. It will take a half to whole blunts worth, but it will get you prety ripped, even if it was a fairly young plant (around 30 days). Taste isnt fantatstic, but it isnt too bad.. sort of minty/planty. Using them to make isohash is also a good idea.
How to Grow Marijuana
Both the male and the female plant produce THC resin, although the male is not as strong as the female. In a good crop, the male will still be plenty smokable and should not be thrown away under any circumstances.


The male plants will be taller and have about five green or yellow sepals, which will split open to fertilize the female plant with pollen.


If you don't want any seeds, just good dope, you should pick the males before they shed their pollen as the female will use some of her resin to make the seeds.