What soil are you in? Are you feeding any nutrients? If so what kind and how much? Based on what I can see and going off little info I'm going to assume you did your homework and have your temps right and good lighting and a number of other important factors like pH, humidity, airflow, ect. The more info we have the better we can help.
Also if you note the yellowing from the bottom up it looks like excess nutrients possibly causing the beginning stages of nutrients lockout.I use the recommended amount for 1 gallon in 5 gallons of water so I did water it down
That happens to me sometimes. I use a turkey baster.Be aware your medium might be hydrophobic and you think they are watered enough they are not.
I had to place my air pots in a container to catch all the water that shot thru it. And hand to hand water it over a few times just to hydrate it.
Ok I’ll give them a good watering when I get home should I add cal mag plus and recharge or just plain water
Dang going big out the gate! Haha. I'd just use plain pH correct water.I also add 2 co2 bags last week
Make your own its cheaper in the long run, dont buy tnb bottles unless you can afford 40 can. every 3 days. Thats about life of the 5 l tested.I also add 2 co2 bags last week