first time grower... comments wanted


hey this is my first grow. these are about a week old. theyve been under 24hrs of light. How do they look? Am i going in the right direction?

i would really appreciate comments. thanks



Well-Known Member
Looks like they need more lights.. it's very stretched and the roots still haven't fully developed yet I see...
But you're on the right path ;)


Active Member
yeah your lights need to be way closer to your tops. What kind of light are you using??? and when you do transplant them not only should you bury it to the first set of leaves, DONT forget to remove the mesh around the peat pellet. i forgot to remove it on my first grow and my plants seemed to have a big problem rooting past the mesh.

Good luck man.


Well-Known Member
yea there stretched pretty bad yes put lamps closer and no ur good on a 24 just wait about two weeks then switch over


Active Member
is stretched bad? should i put my lamps closer? should i cut down to a 18/6 cicle?

yeah you dont want them to strech like that. you want them short and bushy and that will give you good node spacing and better buds. if they strech you will have small buds and it would honestly be a waste of a plant


Well-Known Member
after potted for 6-7 days get some air cirulat'n 'round 'em with a lil' fan - that help strengthen stems - don't be shy now, get it breezy


lol i just put a fan in today.. i hope it helps the skinny girls (hopefully girls).. thanks for the comments they really helped.. ill keep posting updates on these guys.. should i be planting more? im not trying to have a huge grow project.


Active Member
i would germ another 4-6 seeds just so you have a good chance on getting females. and are you just using bag seeds?


these are just some seeds i got from a guy that buys from a guy so i dont even know what stran they are.. its kinda like a party mix. ill germ some more thanks


Active Member
well unless your dude got them from a breeder or someone with some extras laying around they are prop just bag seeds. but some great weed comes from homegrown bagseeds :)

looking forward to your grow man.


Well-Known Member
well unless your dude got them from a breeder or someone with some extras laying around they are prop just bag seeds. but some great weed comes from homegrown bagseeds :)

looking forward to your grow man.
doing one right now. growin fast!


thanks ill keep putting picks of these guys.. but now when i transfer them ima have to dig a bigger hole down to cover down to that first set of leaves?


Active Member
yes :) and if you want to be cheap you can get a few empty 2 liter bottles and just cut the tops off and fill with soil and BAM! there you go. oh if you do that remember to make drainage holes in the bottom.


Well-Known Member
yah anything can work. right now there is a competition on this site for best shot-glass grow lol