First time grow

I'm preparing for my first grow. I've goggled my ass off and it just confuses me. can someone help me from step 1 to 101. from how to germinate to what the first size of pot I should get and soil and room temperature and humidity and the whole kabang. it would be much appreciated.


Active Member
Something that helped me grow when I first started was watching youtube videos. Seeing people do things and explain things in video might help you understand the information better. Just a suggestion... Good luck!

PS - look up "Mr Grow It" on youtube... It's a good place to start.


Well-Known Member
These are my own methods and my own opinion not the most veteran at growing but this shit isn't rocket science. Step 1 place selected seeds in a moist paper towel then place that in a Ziploc. Keep in dark warm area.Most my seeds will show a tap root within 72 hours.
2. Put popped seep in a moist rapid rooter/rock wool square or something akin. You then put that in a seed starter trey dome on with a t5 6500k led or whatever you plan to get your plants under. Should only need a bit of water every couple days let the rockwool or whatever dry out a bit then rewet.
3. When your seedling is popped get the light to the right distance don't want it to far or it may stretch, don't want it to close or it will burn. Have to find the right distance for your light with light on 18/6. Keep seedlings in rapid rooter/rockwool till you see a root popping out the side of your Rockwool/rapid rooter then place in your medium of choice in ur first pot.Personally I use 44oz Styrofoam cups with a bunch of holes in the bottom with a soil mix (30%organic potting soil not mg,50% coco coir, 20% petite). Water in the same method as your seedlings, let your medium dry then rewet. At this point you don't need nutes still
4. At this stage many things can get started if you plan to top wait till 5th 6th node, top it, give it about a week after then it should be time to transplant.from first planting in 44oz cup it usually lasts in it for the first couple weeks I personally top about 1week (5th/6th node) let sit for another then transplant. once transplanted (I transplant from 44oz to a 7 gallon fabric pot) is when I begin giving nutrients. If you plan to mainline or lst this is also the period that begins.
5. So ur in the 7 gallon pot plant is 2 to 3 weeks old if you plan to do multiple toppings this is the phase its going to happen same with mainlineing and lst and scrog. Water only as needed again just like when it was a seed let your medium dry up a bit then water during this time for me it was about once a week. Make sure light is being kept where you need it and on 18/6, rotate plants, keep a clean area and don't love your plants to death
6. once your plants are where you want them in veg ie. Trained how you want trimmed topped blah blah blah. This is going to vary for person to person but I would say 5 to 6 weeks from seed you are now ready for flowering stage
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