First time grow

Hey everyone first time posting on the forum. I'm about to get a little set up going and wanted to get some opinions from Tried and true growers. First up my box, I am thinking about 2x4 framed 4x4x7, don't know if I should use the reflective insulation or a different reflective source, I am trying to do this as cost effective as possible in the beginning. I plan on doing 4 plants and using a 1000 watt the box size about correct or should I be thinking another size?

I am going to do my first couple of grows soley in dirt And have read a ton of mixed reviews on soils, am I better off mixing my own or buying one from my local grow store? What brands should I be looking at?
The location of the grow will get down to 55 degrees at night, will the insulation and heat from the hps keep it warm enough in the box? ( its a air cooled hood).

To super crop or not to super crop, seen lots a videos with mixed results, would like to know if anyone has done a regular crop and then did a super and what kind of different yields did they get.

Lots of questions and you will all hear from me quite a bit....title says it all "NOOB"

I originally posted this in the grow setup forum and realized it should have gone here. Thanks