First time grow - yellowish leaves near top and female confirmation please


This is my first grow, doing it indoors with an Aerogarden.

I have a seperate thread going in the aerogardeners thread but just a couple questions here:

I"m in week 4 of flowering and I'm starting to see blooms, can someone confirm from the pictures if thats a female flower starting?

Also, some of the upper leaves have a yellow discolouration to them, is this bad? It could be from using a nitrogen rich plant food, if this is bad should I discontinue using it asap?

Also, i'm running out of light space, during flowering once you see a flower starting to form like the one in the picture, will the plan continue to grow upwards very much?

I'm in week 4 of flowering, how much longer do you think it'll be before harvest? Using random bag seed.



Well-Known Member
It looks to be a female to me(white pistils) I wouldn't expect a huge amount of height increase as long as its getting the light it needs. You should be using a nutrient that's higher in phosphorous than nitrogen and potassium for flowering. Its hard to know the flowering time without knowing the strain, but from the shape of the leaves on the plant it is probably mostly sativa which means you should still have 5-7 weeks. Usually plants flower in appx 7-13 weeks(some will be a little shorter or longer) with indicas being on the low side and sativas on the high side.


Active Member
in my experience yellowing leaves during flower is quite normal.
and ya that looks pretty female to me haha, there seems to be a lot of little white pistils. And id say another 5-6 weeks before finishing. They take around 8-9 weeks to flower.


Well-Known Member
in my experience yellowing leaves during flower is quite normal.
and ya that looks pretty female to me haha, there seems to be a lot of little white pistils. And id say another 5-6 weeks before finishing. They take around 8-9 weeks to flower.
Some of the bottom leaves usually turn yellow and die off during flowering, but if the top leaves are turning yellow there's a problem starting. Like was said above, your plants should be getting more "P" and "K" during flowering, and less of the "N". Too much Nitrogen will burn your plants during any stage, and maybe that's what you're starting to see. They're definitely female, but are you sure you have your dates right? They don't look like they have been flowering for four(4) weeks already. Looks more like two weeks in flower. And like FCS said, looks like they are Sativa dominant, so however long they have been flowering now, you can expect them to take 9-12 weeks total to finish.


Thanks for the tips. I did 30 hrs darkness, then 12/12 for 2 weeks now i'm on 10 light / 14 dark right now.
I'll stop the nutes I"m using and switch to what was recommended. Thanks guys!