First time grow, need some help


I need some help with my plants and protecting them (outdoors grow), i just put them in their pots on july 10 (ya i know i started really late) i germinated the seeds before and they already sprouted about an inch tall not sure, they are 10days old. in organic choice soil i just put some more to germinated seeds in yesterday.
i dont know what pesticide i should get to keep bugs away, i need something that will work strong b/c there is alot of bugs crawlin around the area i am going to put the pots in, and what type of food i should give them, i plan on finding something next week and feed them with it.
The seeds are unknown, 10 are seeds from swag mj, i dont know the name of the 2 other seeds but the weed was amazing
i dont have the pots in the ground yet i have it elevated in the woods until i can get some proper protect for them

one of the sprouted plants, the leaf shape is rounded, i dont know if thats good or bad or what its supposed to mean?

ill post pics of my plants soon.:weed: