first time grow - need some clarification


Started with 13 'sure to grow' cubes in a humidity dome. All sprouted but mold grew on nearly all the cubes. Had a few more trail errors; thought I over watered, tried not using the lid, now its not enough water. Then they start curling up and falling over? All trial errors mold developed.

I work a ton and need a hydroponic system for germinating, or is twice a day with a sprayer enough? I going to switch to rockwoll and I know transplanting into bigger cubes and top dripping b4 moving into a flood and drain systems is sufficient, but the water during the germination stage is really the tough one for me. I use 1/4 stength Clonex for clones and seedlings. Whats a proper feeding schedule during germination??


Black spots, some where deep brown/ orange in color. It only formed on the top layer of material of the "Sure to GROW" cubes. I've read that using rockwoll it becomes more difficult to see these disease because of the color of the cubes.