First time grow- HELP!


Active Member
Hello everyone,

My friend and I just started growing a few weeks ago. Since a few days ago we've germinated about 4 or 5 seeds and have planted the sprouts in pots. The pots contained soil from a great compost pile. We didn't bury them very deep in the soil, with hopes that the sun would get things moving. We put some miracle gro water on it twice in the last two days and nothing has happened. Where have we gone wrong? Is it ok to put Miracle Gro multiple times? We are also looking into lighting, since we are in a cold area. Are those curly fluorescent bulbs that go in regular lamps good enough? Can we grow 6 or 7 plants with like 3 or 4 of those? SOMEONE HELP US?

Enlightened One

Well-Known Member
Sounds like the nutes killed them, but sometimes seeds just dont sprout. The lights your talking about are cfl's theres is a whole section of this forum dedicated to growing with them. Good luck. Hope I helped


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone,

My friend and I just started growing a few weeks ago. Since a few days ago we've germinated about 4 or 5 seeds and have planted the sprouts in pots. The pots contained soil from a great compost pile. We didn't bury them very deep in the soil, with hopes that the sun would get things moving. We put some miracle gro water on it twice in the last two days and nothing has happened. Where have we gone wrong? Is it ok to put Miracle Gro multiple times? We are also looking into lighting, since we are in a cold area. Are those curly fluorescent bulbs that go in regular lamps good enough? Can we grow 6 or 7 plants with like 3 or 4 of those? SOMEONE HELP US?
i think u gave them the nutes a little to early and as for the lights u could but u shouldnt grow that many plants with that few of lights theres ppl on here who grow 1 plant under 3 or 4 cfls........cfls arent very strong and dont yield as much they will yield a lil bit but i would suggest getting alot bigger of a light or alot of lights if u want to grow 6-7 plants well hope all goes well


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone,

My friend and I just started growing a few weeks ago. Since a few days ago we've germinated about 4 or 5 seeds and have planted the sprouts in pots. The pots contained soil from a great compost pile. We didn't bury them very deep in the soil, with hopes that the sun would get things moving. We put some miracle gro water on it twice in the last two days and nothing has happened. Where have we gone wrong? Is it ok to put Miracle Gro multiple times? We are also looking into lighting, since we are in a cold area. Are those curly fluorescent bulbs that go in regular lamps good enough? Can we grow 6 or 7 plants with like 3 or 4 of those? SOMEONE HELP US?
My questions are did you put it in pure compost or compost and soil? Usually you use both compost and soil since compost can be rather powerful stuff. good job not burying them very deep since you really don't need too, just make a little hole place it tap root down in the soil and cover lightly with soil.

Watering at this stage is ok but just a small amount and definitely not with miracle grow. Probably killed it with miracle grow to be honest, I hear on here and other places that you shouldn't use it at all.

I am not sure what those lights cost in your area but you would be better off purchasing a 75$ 250W HPS/MH light off Ebay than with the CFL's. Good luck hope this information helps. Trust me on the light spend the 75$.


Well-Known Member
yea..........Aluckyshot is pretty much right if theres anything ur grow that u need to go out of ur way to get its LIGHT def. dont be a cheapo when it comes to light