FirST timE GrOW DUmB DeCiSOn


Active Member
I'm a very first time grower and i planted 10 seeds in a pot thinking they all wouldn't grow now i have ten 1 week old plants!! is there any way of getting rid of the other without hurting all of them???:leaf:

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
Just let them grow fer another few days. Once roots are established, follow stem of seedling down, dig area around and down, replant in fresh (nute free) soil, water with B-1, pray!


Well-Known Member
I'm a very first time grower and i planted 10 seeds in a pot thinking they all wouldn't grow now i have ten 1 week old plants!! is there any way of getting rid of the other without hurting all of them???:leaf:

If they are only a week old you probably won't have tangled roots to deal with but diging them up to repot them will cause severe stress and possible pilot root breakage but it is has been done. I myself have cut the pot on 2 sides and peeled away one side and used a glass of water to slowly wash away soil till the small seedlings stem and roots are free from the soil and put it into another container without problems..hope this helps


Active Member
should i continue to grow all ten because i really only want to because my setup room is kinda small not sure of specs. and i have 3 100w replacement cfls and two cool blue 2' Flourent tubes???? i'll try to get some pics up ..


Well-Known Member
taproot shouldnt be that long, scoop em out with plenty of dirt, carefulls seperate them. Get some party cups and cut 3 or 4 small triangles where the side meets the bottom of the cup for drainage. Loosely fill it with soil, stick your finger in, lower in seedling. Gently backfill, water until you see it comming out of the drainage holes, then dont water until the cup feels lite again. Add some soil if it settles too much

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
OK nOW i HAVE 6 1 weeK oLD pLANts aLL iN oNE pOT riGHT neXT tO each OtheR ..... sHOulD I Just LeT ThESe GroW OR WHat NeeD INput PLZ....:wall:
should i continue to grow all ten because i really only want to because my setup room is kinda small not sure of specs. and i have 3 100w replacement cfls and two cool blue 2' Flourent tubes???? i'll try to get some pics up ..

first you talk all pigon then crazy text now who the are you?


Well-Known Member
cLeARly yU aRe toO YoUnG tO Be oN hEre. hOw aBoUT yoU GO SOMEWHERE ELSE? we dont encourage kids growing in their parents house


Active Member
WELL acTUally i'm a grown aZZ man with my own house and if you dont know me dont just though out ya input bruh cause i didn't ask for the negitive comments i'm trying to enjoy the magic of growing your own plants so if you can't come on here without sayin childish stuff then i would suggest you don't have to reply to my post cause i'm really not a kind person when i feel like you disprespect me .....


Active Member
cLeARly yU aRe toO YoUnG tO Be oN hEre. hOw aBoUT yoU GO SOMEWHERE ELSE? we dont encourage kids growing in their parents house

AND i didn't encourage those lame comments from some kiD thats probly 15 years old himself.... Chucknorris..... Texas Ranger....kiss-ass


Active Member
Are you threatening people on an internet forum?

Go fuck yourself kid.

ALL this 5 year old stuff from grown people right?? look i just want to come here like the rest of you that have questions about their plants so i can get them from plants and soon :bigjoint:.... i'm not here to be rude or ne thing i'm just as they say a noob at this looking for direction so i can ensure that when the day come when my babies are ready to be plucked from their sweet slumber in soil that they will be nice grown full shape stanky ladies :lol: thats so plz don't be rude to me cause i wasn't rude to anyone i just had questions....