First Time Grow am i doing ok??


Hi everyone. This is my first time growing 420. I am using a bubbleponics system. Not really sure what i'm doing lol but i've been taking pictures.

6 plant system: 2 white widows, 1 strawberry blue, 1 lemon skunk, 1 kali big budda, 1 dna roadrunner

I was able to get all of the seeds to 'germinate' (throw out that starter root).

Only the lemon skunk and big buddah are growing well. the rest are stuck in this 'germination' phase. one white widow straight up didn't make it.

Current light schedule: 18 on, 6 off

I've noticed some yellow discoloration..not sure if thats are some pics...

(ANY Advice is greatly appreciated!).


so when i purchased this cabinet it came with 3mo supply of nutrients (one for grow, other for flower). i added it to water. mixed it so the water became blue...i guess the grow wool soaked it up? is that bad??


really? just water? so don't add anymore nutrients?i only added like a 1/3 of the 3 mo supply? i'm approx 2weeks post germination.


Your girls def have a nute burn.... I would wait until the end of the 2nd week atleast and when you start - start off with a diluted dose and then gradually raise it up to the recommended dose. Use it every other watering.


Well-Known Member
whoa man your supposed to dissolve the nutes in water first, you better pour a lot of water through those cubes until there clean. then wait some time before you use any nutes again


whoa man your supposed to dissolve the nutes in water first, you better pour a lot of water through those cubes until there clean. then wait some time before you use any nutes again
ok i'll rinse them out.. i did dissolve it..but i guess i added way too much :(

Can my babies make it?


Well-Known Member
it looks like miracle grow if that's the case it should be 1tsp per gallon of water but this early you would not even want to be using 1/4 strength. there is stored energy in the seeds to begin with, starches that are broken down to feed the plant through the first two weeks or more while early sets of leaves develop. During this period of time all they need is good light and water.