First Time Grow.6 weeks in.400W MH/HPS.Closet.3 strains.Just began flowering.

Mr. Trees

First grow. 6 weeks in, just started budding 4 days ago and have some minor problems with 2 of my girls. But first, the life story of my precious females: Decided to go big or go home and order feminized seeds from attitude. I orderd 5 seeds of "Killawatt"(hindukush) and they came with 2 free seeds; 1 "Warlock"(sativa) and 1 "Chronic"(ind/sat hybrid). I germinated two killwatt seeds and the two free seeds giving me four guaranteed female plants and three diffrent strains.

I decied to use my bedroom closet as my grow space. There is no ventilation, so I took the door off the hinges to allow better airflow. Two fans and an ionizer for ventilation and air circulation. For lighting, I bought a 400W light setup with interchangeable Metal Halide/High Pressure Sodium bulbs and ballast on ebay. After germinating the seeds, I put them into red cups with a 50/50 mixture of Fox Farms Ocean Forest and Perlite under 24/7 MH light.

After 3 weeks, I transplanted my ladies into 1 gallon black containers of FFOF,no added perlite. I also switched the light cycle to 20 light/ 4 dark. Dont ask me why, but they did fine. The HPS took over at week 4, still at 20/4. The MH bulb died(already??), but it was about time to switch anyway. I was starting to see pistils :)

During their entire life cycle, the girls have never received nutrients. I watered them with tap water for their first three weeks until a friend told me about distilled water and have been sticking with that ever since. I read that FFOF has nutes in it already and didnt wana mess up my first grow by over nuting. Less is more right?

Still in veg mode, I had a small spider mite/aphid issue at week 4.5. I paniced, and bought the first "hot pepper wax" repellent I saw at my local nursery. I gave them two coats of the stuff, 2 days apart. It killed the bugs, but burnt a few leaves which I decided to cut off.

Midway through week 5 with the bug issue a distant memory and the girls 'growing like weeds', I transplanted them into 5 gallon pots(still FFOF), and switched the lights over to 12/12.

I am now 4 days into the budding phase,(started september 1st, 6 weeks total from seedling), and wanted to share my ladies with yall and get some feedback:

My plants have very distinct charcteritics, so it shouldnt be hard to tell which 2 are the same and that the other two are diffrent.(In one picture, I point out which two are the same incase you couldnt tell). With that said, my chronic plant has lots of burnt leaves and just looks sad and burnt. Also, 1 of my killawatts has a few yellow leaves on the bottom branches and is showing some signs of burning as well. I think it may be a result of the spray, but I just wanted to know for sure.

Also, I plan on giving my girls nutes now that they are flowering and was wondering if you guys had any input on what I should use? I was thinking FF Tiger Bloom or Big Bloom. Will the fact that I didnt feed them during veg affect the fact that im giving them nutes now?

Peace and Love

"What is understood does not need to be said"

