Ive been reading on this site for a while gathering information but this is my first time posting.
after lots of research i decided to try a RDWC system for the exponential growth rate this system provides.
the reason i posted this thread is becasue i was so suprised on how healthy this crop is turning out for the lack of amount of effort that is being put into it. I havent had any meters what so ever to check any of the waters ph ect. this is my first time growing mj to so thats another reason im suprised how well its turning out but i guess research pays off.
This crop was strated on October 22 2009
I have 4 buckets in the left side of a closet with a sheet dividing the closet in half with the res in the right side. I have a pretty strong squirl cage fan on a shelf in the top of the closet that taakes hot air from the top of the left side and dumps into the right side of the close with the res. i leave the right side of the close door cracked so hot air expells out of it. the left side is left open with an oscalating fan pumping cold air into the closet.
So the first pic is my 4 buckets in the left side of the closet. The white lines are the air lines to the bubble stones and the brown are the feeder lines. there all connected together at the bottom to a resivor to the right.
pic 2 is the right side of the closet u can see the resivor under the bucket.
pic 3 is inside the res. u can see a float valvue which we ended up not even using. submerged under the float valve is a 150 GPH pump connected to a 1/4 tube pinched off with banna line outputs. The white pvc is the return lines for the bucekts.
pic 4 is a close up of one of the clones, u can see the feeder line in action. The feeder lines only stay on while the lights on!!!
Pic 5 is just a glimpse of the bubbles coming up under the pods.
after lots of research i decided to try a RDWC system for the exponential growth rate this system provides.
the reason i posted this thread is becasue i was so suprised on how healthy this crop is turning out for the lack of amount of effort that is being put into it. I havent had any meters what so ever to check any of the waters ph ect. this is my first time growing mj to so thats another reason im suprised how well its turning out but i guess research pays off.
This crop was strated on October 22 2009
I have 4 buckets in the left side of a closet with a sheet dividing the closet in half with the res in the right side. I have a pretty strong squirl cage fan on a shelf in the top of the closet that taakes hot air from the top of the left side and dumps into the right side of the close with the res. i leave the right side of the close door cracked so hot air expells out of it. the left side is left open with an oscalating fan pumping cold air into the closet.
So the first pic is my 4 buckets in the left side of the closet. The white lines are the air lines to the bubble stones and the brown are the feeder lines. there all connected together at the bottom to a resivor to the right.
pic 2 is the right side of the closet u can see the resivor under the bucket.
pic 3 is inside the res. u can see a float valvue which we ended up not even using. submerged under the float valve is a 150 GPH pump connected to a 1/4 tube pinched off with banna line outputs. The white pvc is the return lines for the bucekts.
pic 4 is a close up of one of the clones, u can see the feeder line in action. The feeder lines only stay on while the lights on!!!
Pic 5 is just a glimpse of the bubbles coming up under the pods.
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