First time flowering, mango, pineapple, random unknown, sativa unknown 12days in

Hey everyone i am a long time reader of this site and this is my first time flowering i am 12 days in 12/12 cycle. These are my girls i have: 2 really tall sativa unknown strains, 2 random indica strains, 2 mango from seed, and 2 pineapple from seed. I was lucky with the seeds they all came out female. I have been veging for 1 1/2 2 months b4 i started flowering. I flower in a 5x7 foot room with a 600 watt, but i am only using half the side of the room because i will later b adding an additional light when more plants mature. I have a question about one of my plants the one that looks like its a little droopy, i also added a pic with root system, is it potbound bad??? Should i trans plant from my current 3 gallons or shoud i just leave them in for the rest of its life. Comments, tipps are welcome. What do you guys think??

Fox farm big grow, tigger bloom...

