First time drinking/drunk? first time drunk and high?


Active Member
my first time i drank it was some very light brown very watery stuff i think that was beer when i was like 14, probably not beer tho. second time, if this counts, was eating some chicken that was cooked with wine at olive garden, the chicken vino bianto or something, i was maybe 15. (btw that dish is nasty dont order it). first time i ever had a first real beer was while walking around walmart i picked up a watermelon smirnoff 6 pack and sneaked into a isle without cameras and drank a bottle. that was when i was 18.

first time drunk was when i drank about 20 watermelon and green apple smirnoffs within about 2 hours. i puked a few times i went to bed and i puked so much and was so drunk i put a grocery bag beside my bed that i would just roll over and puke into. i continued to puke for another hour or so after i woke up about 12 hours later but it hurt cus i was really just puking bile and stomach acid and my throat was red raw and sore for days afterwards. this was when i was 18 in college. i quit buying beers and expensive vodkas and just bought everclear in college cus most alcohol for least amount of money. but now ive gone back to beer cus beer gives me a happier drunk than liquor.

first time drunk and high was when i was at a strip club i was so drunk i felt like i was gona puke, i went to the bathroom to try to puke a few times but couldnt. then i called a friend over and he brought be a bowl of weed that i smoked (crap weed) and it got rid of all the nausea. and damn that felt good, being so drunk but high at the same time so the weed blocked the nausea of the booze. i can only imagine being really totally wasted on the point of passing out then smoking some really high quality hydroponic shit. but sadly that was the one and only time ive never been drunk and high at same time. ill sure as hell try it again ive just never had the opportunity (im 21 now) cus im in the army now.
I love getting high when I'm drinking. I use to drink vodka alot but I found I that I usually drink too much before it hits me all the way and I end up doing crazy shit like face planting into stairs and waking up with a big ass gash across my nose or falling into a mirror and taking two big chunks out of my arm. So I came to the conclusion that I'm better off with beer.