First time cloning; rockwool vs. Jiffy pellets; pictorial difference


Well-Known Member
Took clones from 3 plants for the first time. Two of the plants were feminized and one was a regular hash plant from seed. I placed half of the clones in rockwool with minimal rinse and the other half in jiffy pellets soaked in 5.5 tapwater with ph down.

The Royal Hash ended up being male so I was able to take the clones mostly out of their medium and examine the difference. As a side note all of the plants that were placed in rockwool had roots growing out of the cubes within 7 days.

I cut the stems about 1/2" up 2 times per plant, dipped in Olivia's cloning gel, and stuck into the medium. Here are the pics


Unfortunately, I didn't photograph all of the hash clones. From my little experiment, it appears that rockwool kicks the piss out of jiffy pellets. There is a remarkable difference in root development between the jiffy pellets and the rockwool. Maybe I messed something up.
All of the clones are healthy that remain. I had to transplant 3 of the clones today due to excessive rooting.

This post is just here to share my experience with new folks like me. Please don't crucify my newbie opinion based on this simple experiment.


Active Member
Interesting. I plan on cloning for the first time soon and Im going to use rockwool. Glad to hear you had good rooting. What were temps at and where were they rooting? In a humid dome or what


bud bootlegger
hmm.. i don't know if you stated this, but did you put two different strain in the jiffy pellets then what you did into the rockwool?? meaning, did you put all of the one strains into the rockwool, and all of the other strains into the jp's?? or did you do say half of one in the rw, and the other half in jp's?? if you only put one strain in one type of medium, than i'd hate to say that your expirement may not hold water..
if you did it 5o/ 50, i'd say that was a cool expirement and thank you for posting the results.. i've always wondering what was the best medium..


Well-Known Member
Good questions. I took 24 clones in total. I put equal numbers of clones from each plant into rockwool and jiffy pellets. The temps were 66-69. I used the Jiffy brand heating pad from Lowe's. The plants spent the first 3 days in a rubbermaid tote covered in saran wrap sitting on the heating pad. They were moved to a jiffy container with a 7 1/2 humidity dome, again being on the heating pad. The pics above were take from the male plant. There were 4 in rockwool and 4 in jiffy pellets.

I started researching cloning after I had already taken the cuttings and used the rockwool/jiffy pellets. It seemed like a good way to compare the growths in jiffy vs. rockwool.

From what I saw, the rockwool kicked hiney.

I'm sure I did a number of things wrong. The clones were too big. I only cut from the bottom of the plant. etc...

That being said, all of the clones appear to be doing well (except for the 8 I butchered).

The big concern is with the rockwool capturing water at the base of the plant, possibly stunting root growth in the perlite/vermiculite mix. We'll have to do a long term comparison to see if the rockwool cubes' faster root development at the beginning equates to faster plant growth in general. I'm thinking that it will.

Good luck!
If you guys see anything that would help with rooting, please let me know.


Well-Known Member
I heard tell that Rockwool is preferred over Jiffy Pellets from more than one person...something to do with the way that Rockwool disipates water as the Jiffy Pellets tend to hold moisture more...if the Jiffy Pellets are too wet, no roots, too dry, no roots. One fellow puts a thin layer of perlite in the dome tray with the Rockwool cubes on top...says it helps quite a bit.