First Time CFL Grow


Well-Known Member
hey guys, so this is my first time growing. i've got two seeds from a friend of a friend who accidently grew a gigantic hermaphrodite his first time growing... go figure.
So ive got a pretty basic setup, i started with two lights for the first week and have now upgraded to four 23w cfl's.
i was told by my buddy D.Tea to check out this site after i planted the seeds to keep a log as well as to get as much advice and criticism from people who have grown and know what they're doing.
so please, any tips and pointers are more than welcome guys.

as for the strand of the plants, i have no idea but ill work on figuring it out. none the less, free seeds are free seeds and this took very little startup cost.
thanks all, pictures to follow



Active Member

Anyway, as far as strand goes I think it was G13 or something like that? I remember a letter and a number and those two seem like the right ones.
I'll be growing the same seeds soon, so it'll be cool to track the progress of a strain in two different environments.

Problem is I don't have a camera at the moment so I may not be able to post a journal of my own, in which case I'll just tag along here ;)

Sub'd, keep the updates commin'.


Well-Known Member
Keeping a log is key, if you want to understand whats going on. "Knowledge is power". You will be able to fix sick plants, improve and optimize. This is where you need to be, to be the best grower in the shortest amount of time. I have grown entire plants from beginning to end with one 13 watt cfl. Growing "on the cheap" is easy and rewarding. Rock on bro.


Well-Known Member
alright, so its been a good 21 days since ground zero
and the little guys are getting a wee bit leafy.
ive got more pictures for anyone who wants to
check out my grow and give any tips for them

specifically, if anyone has any comments on my
ventalation, or lack there of for that matter
the more convenient (and cheaper) the better
thanks all


Well-Known Member
Looking good, a little bit streched, but they look pretty healthy. Good luck with your grow! Just a little tip, try to upload bigger pics lol. Check out my grow if you can, my girls are on their 12th day of veg. Also forgot to mention you might want to invest in some mylar.


Active Member
The stretching seems to have slowed from what it could have been. The bulb change definitely helped that.
The nodes don't seem stretched too badly, and if you get some air flow over those plants that stem should thicken up nicely and that will result in some fatter buds.

All in all looking good :) My stupid seeds haven't cracked yet. Gonna rough them up and give em another go.


Well-Known Member
jimmy hands? did you only pretend to OD on ambien then moved up to canada? Lemme tell you, you fooled all of us and the memorial concert they threw for you was SICK wished you were on them wheels of steel.

but I doubt that's actually you, good looking plant, I'll sub. itslogics is right though I guess, You'll get a lot more people peepin' in and leaving stuff with bigger pictures, not only is it more eye-catching to someone browsing but it's easier to see stuff on the plant that people can give you advice about. you can get a really small fan from walmart to start with for ventilation if you want for like 6 bucks


Well-Known Member
thanks guys, i used the same camera for the second set of pics as i did for the first set so they should have both been full size. dont know why they're not. at this stage its not a big deal, as well the plants were doing pretty good thus far.

today however, the little dudes are looking a bit... dry? perhaps. im thinking they are either: under watered, over heated or something with the water mix.
i mixed a cap full of salt, and a cap full of peroxide into a 2 litre bottle of distilled water. so far ive used just under a litre of that water in the past couple of weeks.
any ideas? i will take and post a couple pictures of each of my little buddies later on today when i have time.

also. itslogics would you post me the link to your page you suggested i check out, id like to see your veg setup.
thanks bro's


Well-Known Member
keep them lights close to the plant. I been growing for just a couple years but just got an all in one meter, ph, moisture, LIGHT. I could not believe how fast and drastic the light meter dropped in just 2 to 3 inches from the light. 1k to 200. That is 20% of what i though i was getting. I have re-positioned all my lights except for the 2 4ft double tubed ones. I still have them running down middle of 4x8 tent but probalbly going to stand them up and right in the pot of 2 of my plants. READ the posts here, they sure do help, i also got lots of info from local hydro farm store with some free catalogs and a couple pamplets. Good Luck!

get some ph down. I dont know why but every method i have used for ph only lasts a day. so dont ph balance your stored water but just what you using now.


Well-Known Member
ok so a better idea would be to fill a 2 litre bottle a quarter full of distilled water, add less of the balance and remix each time i water?


Well-Known Member
ok so one official month
im still in the dixie cups, im transpotting tomorrow or monday.
putting stones under soil in a garbage bag or two in a box
plants are doing well, a couple of the leaves on both plants
are going a bit yellowish, going to add nutes to the water

here are more pictures for y'all. and remember
keep em tall, boys



Active Member
Yep, looking good man, the yellowing is w/e it can handle it, and once you get another fan your air problem wont be a thang. I really say you gotta get a thermometer soon dude lol, it'll probably have humidity sensor as well..Which could be only helping the heat hurt the plants.

As far as those nutes, use a very sparing amount of them at first in the 2l, let the plant adjust to them and the shock of the switch etc. Also, start adding a lil bit of sugar of some sort, it helps the plant nom.


Well-Known Member
ok so ive got nothing to do on a saturday anyways, might as well get 'er done with.
trans potting went real smooth. plant roots looking healthy. plants doing good.
in some of the pics you can see the end of most of the leaves are yellowing
- comments, tips, ideas? (other than using a better quality camera)
wondering how much time (days, weeks) this process may have put my little buddies back. none the less, its not a worry
took some pictures of the process.
and remember kids, keep your stick on the ice


Well-Known Member
so ive been wanting to top my little buddies, one or maybe both of them.
also i need to trim a few lower branches.
on to my questions for the pros

1 i dont have alchohol to clean my utensils, but i have peroxide handy
does anyone know if peroxide will work?

2 i trans potted both plants 4 days ago (today is the 6th). is it too soon
to top? is it to soon to trim lower leaves?

3 how long do i wait between trimming leaves and topping the plant? which
should i do first, trimming or topping?

+rep for any helpful anwers guys


Well-Known Member
for the sake of my own journal as well as any curious readers still out there

i have topped both plants ( at the same time)
started training one plant (a.k.a. Cash) and let Money grow as is
two branches grew from the trained plant, Cash, within a day to a day and a half
two branches grew from the not trained plant, Money, about 10 days after

pictures for our pleasure

ps - bigger pictures again!