First time auto pot user needing help and advice


Well-Known Member
ok so im using the autopot system my medium is soilless substrate germin with rapid rooters lighting is a cfl 175watts just using thrive alive and a airstone in my res i also have a few sprouts for back up and some r for growing in soil
ok a few questions

i planted plants on the 5 into my autopots do i hand feed them? because one is looking kinda droopy is it over watering or underwatering?

as you will see on my pics one of my plants has deformed true leaves thats how they grew in should i let it grow or replace it?

should i have put an inch of loose gravel on the bottom of each pots ?



Hi proudstoner,

i'm a french grower since one year (only with soil) and i'm very interested by autopot.

further to my (little) experience, I already had some plant like you : strange leaves like a wave ! don't worry, those plants have given nice weed :)

one remark : I think you plant is too small for autopot because the water comes from the bottom.

I say that because I sow an autopot user who used little pot to be sure the roots will be wet like on the picture.

I think you have to do that or give water from the top at the beginning.

I wish to get a confirmation by an expert.


hope you an heavy harvest




Well-Known Member
I Bought the Autopot Yesterday and I am Going with Fox Farm Ocean Breeze and 3 105 watt cfl 3 65 watt cfl just 3 65 in first 3 weeks and a air stone in the res. I think I will top water for the first 2 weeks what do you think?