First time actually TRYING to grow...


OK, this is my first attempt at growing...:weed:...Ive been reading stuff online, and im pretty sure i have the basics down. I have 6 widow/haze hybrid(that came from bags) that are 8 days in the soil now. Im starting them with an organic soil mix with seedling starter... They are under 6k daylight fluorescent 18/6 cycle for now. on the 1st i will be ordering a 400w switchable hid...but until then the fluorescents will have to do. I have a tent on its way, should be here on wed...If there is any pointers or recomendations, im happy to listen....



Well-Known Member
looks good so far, make sure you keep the fluoro's very close until you get the HID, they should be about 2 inches away but that can vary depedning on wattage, if they are 42 watt or higher go for 3-4 inches, it really depends on the watts.
How's it goin Solo? I see you just started your first grow about the same time i did. Ill follow your grow, maybe we can swap ideas. id like to see a few soil grows. the one time i grew before i did bubbleponics.

what kind of soil are you using atm. do you plan to use a nuterient/water solution to feed your plants? what is the size and style of your grow room? sound like you have some good lightage to take car of the as babies. i would recomend looking into a 600w HID setup. most efficient and you ca get a complete kit but with open air reflectors for $185 on ebay.

stop by and check out my grow. ill keep in touch


I actually just ordered(layaway for a couple weeks) the Sun System 2 400w switchable with the glass pane. I started with Miracle Gro organic garden mix, and when i transplanted i used that along with seed starting mix to help the roots catch a little better. The grow room is 4x4x6.5 I have organic ferterlizer high in N for the veg period, and i was going to switch to a blossoming fert for flowering when that time came. And im definetly intersested in your grow as well....this is my first actual attempt at im sure im going to make
ya i just got some earthworm castings and top dressed 2 of my 6 plants to see if it makes a diff. just a FYI, once you get the tent all set up and the light in it you will most likely need a fan to suck the hot humid air out of the tent and if you are concerned about smell, a carbon filter to take care of that. the very first time i grew which i mention in my journal, i had this problem, fried 2 of my 3 plants. when to local hydro shop got a vortex and a filter and saved the 3rd plant. thought i would point out that this may be an issue so you can look at ressolving it b4 it happens. G'luck my friend. stay medicated


Member been starting smell control when i started my babies. Its my girls job to grow a bunch of herbs, she has 8 or 9 going so far. i also have essential oil burner in the room my grow tent will be, and ozium. hopefully that will mask most of it....and i did plan on buying a carbon filter for the vent. I live in a apartment complex in the midwest, so smell control is kinda
Aye, know what u mean. I live in an Apartment myself but I do have the permission of my landlord to cultivate cannabis on his property(in my apt), so smell is deff a factor.