First Shroom Grow; Mycodome V2.0 / Ecudorian Psilocybe Cubensis

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Well-Known Member
Hey Everybody I had this log on a different web-site but thought I'd share it with since this is the greatest web-site in the world!
Hey everyone the day has finaly arrived! I have both my Ecuador spores and my Mycodome kit here and ready to go!

Kit: Mycodome V2.0
Strain: Ecuador "Psilocybe Cubensis"

Spore Syringe 10cc/Ecuador "Psilocybe Cubensis"
6 Substrate Jars
Date: 7/30/08
Temp: 84-86 Degrees
I had a bit of trouble being a first time Syringe Spore Inoculater. The syringe kept getting clogged while I was trying to inject 1cc into each substrate jar. I would keep pushing harder on the stopper and then all the sudden, here it comes. It would shoot out! I put "about 1cc" per jar and I have 6 jars. I got 1cc in each jar (not neccisarily divided evenly between all 4 inoculation holes in each jar) but I tried my best too. -definatly atleast 1cc per jar though!

Hope its ok!!! Let me know what you all think???




Well-Known Member
Set temp. guage to 84 degrees and checked it in an hour. Temp. was 91 degrees -TOO HOTT!

Turned temp. guage down to 80 degrees. Will check again in an hour and see if i can get this thing around 84-86 degrees.


Well-Known Member
82 degrees on the heater is still a little too hott. The temp was about 87.3 degrees on the temp. guage

I turned the heater down to 81 degrees and we will see if it holds the temp. guage at 84-86 degreeish.

Still trying to find that perfect temp. but no problem!


Well-Known Member
Inoculated: 7/30/08
Today: 8/1/08

(Day 2)

I got the temp guage balanced out to 83-84 degrees.
Its about 83.5 degrees at night and about 84 degrees in the daytime.
The heater itself is set on about 80.8 to 81 degrees.


Well-Known Member
Inoculated 7/30/08
Today: 8/05/08

(Day 6)

Quick temp. check and it is doing fine. Holding at 83.5 degrees.


Well-Known Member
Inoculated: 7/30/08
Today: 8/07/08
(Day 8 )

According to a strain guide I read. My Ecuadorian mushroom substrate jars mycelium should start to show at day 7 to day 8

I still have not looked at the substrate jars since inoculation even though this is day 8


Well-Known Member
Innoculated: 7/30/08
Today: 8/10/08
(Day 11)

I checked the jars yesterday (8/09/08 ) and every jar except for 1 has mycelium growing! It looks clean and white! Very healthy.


Well-Known Member
wait so did you finish this log then? It's almost been two months since you inoculated your jars according to your last post. I am assuming this log does not match with real time?


Well-Known Member
Hey Achilles. Yeah bro it finished about a week ago. If ya hold on a sec. I'll have the whole log posted for ya to check out.:peace:

Inoculated: 7/30/08
Today: 8/13/08

(Day 14)

They should be about half way done (time wize) Mycelium in all 6 jars now.


Well-Known Member
Inoculated: 7/30/08
Today: 9/09/08
(Day 41)
Fruiting Day: 13

Temp: 75 Degrees -- Humidity 50-90% -- Lighting: 20/4 w/timer "New 26 Watts CFL"

1st picture is of the Shrooms I have been drying for about 2 days and a couple I picked and placed in the drying chamber this morning.

2nd picture is a current of the fruiting chamber.



Well-Known Member
Inoculated: 7/30/08
Today: 9/10/08
(Day 42)
Fruiting Day: 14

Temp: 75 Degrees -- Humidity 50-90% -- Lighting: 20/4 w/timer "New 26 Watts CFL"

All the cakes except for 1 are ready to be picked. I'll pick them tonight! After that last cake fushes Ill then dunk for 24 hours and start her all over again!



Well-Known Member
Inoculated: 7/30/08
Today: 9/10/08
(Day 42)
Fruiting Day: 14

Temp: 75 Degrees -- Humidity 50-90% -- Lighting: 20/4 w/timer "New 26 Watts CFL"

Here they are! 4 Cakes picked The second picture is of the biggest shroom I have, the strain is Ecudorians.


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