First Room(s) :oP


Well-Known Member
I've been lurking on the forums for a bit now... soaking up as much information as possible and have finally decided to start on my first room(s). I'm looking for any input/ideas as I put these room(s) together.

I have 2 rooms available to me but due to budget restrictions (wifey) I have decided to veg and flower in 1 room first and then later expand the vegging to the second room.

The room I have started on first is approx 12 x 12 x 7.5

So far I have:
48" CoolTube
2 x 1000w 240v Lumatek Ballasts
2 x Hortilux 1000w HPS Bulbs
LightRail 5
Fearless Gardner 4x8 Air Table
Can-Air 100 38 Special carbon filter
HydroFarm 12,000 BTU a/c unit

I also have all of the other goodies such as Mylar, Timers, PH/PPM Tester, ducting, etc. I'm ready to roll and have just began to construct the first room.

I don't have pictures right at this moment of our original main panel for the house. My electrician almost shit himself when he opened the cubby hole that it is in. Basically the entire house was wired on 3 circuits. 16g wire was hooked to 30a breakers and the entire thing was a mess. 9/10 busts in this area come from house fires due to bad electrical. He wouldn't even think about the rooms before we put a new main in.

After he reworked the entire main panel outside, I had him drop a 60a sub panel in the flowering room along with an Intermatic EH40 timer which will control the circuit that both ballasts will be on. We'll be using a total of 30a for the flowering room and legging another 30a sub panel (with another EH40) off to the vegging room.

I have started the exhausting as well. For the CoolTube I have an S&P 8" 593cfm. It will be pulling air from the next room over, traveling through the tube and dumping into another room on the opposite side. My old lady is really concerned about smell leaking out so she made sure I sealed the living hell out of every cut I made in the walls. I also added outlets on the ceilings to cut down on cord mess from the inline fans. This is spot for the new air in.

In the next photo I got kinda crazy on the foam sealer! Oh well...Mylar will cover up the ugly :) This exhaust is going to be coming off of the Can-Filter with another 8" S&P. This vents into a space behind the wall and then directly outside.

One immediate question I have is about my A/C. Do you think it'd be ok to just Y the intake for the light cooling and attach it to the intake for the A/C and to Y the Can-Filter exhaust and have the A/C exhausting through the same ducting?

If not I'll just create separate intake/exhaust for the A/C unit. I've started on the exhaust for the lighting and will have the electrical finished up this weekend (if my sparky can make it out!)

The following pictures are of the future vegging room which is about 10 x 14 x 7.5. I love the idea of using that closet for mothering/cloning with a CFL setup in there. We will be using an identical setup for vegging with MH bulbs.

Any questions or input would be excellent! I'm going to continue working on the first room this weekend and will post pics as I progress. This is quite the interesting journey that I have began and I'm really excited about the entire project.

Thanks a ton for all the ideas and information RIU!


Well-Known Member
Looks like you'll have a mini jungle in there in a couple of months. Sorry I cant give you any useful input as I'm still learning myself but it looks like you're headed the right direction.


Well-Known Member

It's looking great so far. Without knowing how you aspire to set everything up, there's not much input to be said. Nonetheless, keep up the awesome work! I'll be following this thread.



Well-Known Member
heh i guess it would be kind of hard to visualize with just those pics i posted :mrgreen:

I'm off tomorrow so i'm going to put in some work on the room. when i get finished i'll pop up some better pics so you can get an idea.

any answers on my a/c question about tossing a Y in the intake ducting for the lights and using that for a/c intake? and one in the can-filter's exhaust.

thanks again.


Well-Known Member

Had the hose connected to the fridge's water/ice maker spring a leak last week. The guy who did the kitchen remodel put a plastic one in and ran it behind the oven...genius. So then I get a weeks worth of leaking sitting between the 1st and 2nd story causing the ceiling of my downstairs to start drooping. THEN he wants to charge me for repairs....get bent.

So in light of all that I only added the A/C intake and exhaust and the last exhaust for the cool tube.

I took some quick pictures of the entire room from right to left. I measured the room again and it's 11.5 x 11.5 x 7.

This is from right to left looking in the door way.

The top right corner is the cooltube exhaust and right below that is the A/C exhaust. In the foreground you can see the intake for the A/C. Both exhausts vent outside in this odd dead space between rooms.

This is the only change that happened over the weekend :(

My ectrician is due out this week and after he's finished I should be ready to start the scrub down and get the mylar and exhaust up and in place. Once that happens I'll drag the table in and set it up to give a better idea of the overall layout.

Sub panel and timer to the exhaust for the can-filter.

Air intake for the cooltube from teh living room.


The plan is a 4x8 Fearless Gardner air table in the center of the room with a 48" cool tube and 2 1000w on a LightRail 5.

I'll get some more pics up as soon as I get some :)

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Well-Known Member
Got some work in over the last few days. First and foremost...I HATE mylar :neutral:

These are basically the same views as before with the fresh coat of mylar.

A/C intake + exhaust. The exhaust above is for the Cool Tube.

My Intermatic 240v Timer and the first Sub-Panel. I call them R2D2 and C3PO! :twisted:

Can Filter 38 Special 100. There's also an 8" Can-Fan in the middle of the duct. Shit is damn near silent with the insulated ducting.

This is the intake for the Cool Tube. I also made a mylar door for the can kinda see it rolled up.

I'm basically ready to go except for the LightRail :( The shipping is taking way too long so I ordered one from the local shop and will pick it up on Wednesday. I guess they don't advise mounting them to finished ceilings so I'm going to be ripping some sheet rock out over the next few days to expose the floor joists above. /joy

I'll post more pics as soon as I do some more work. I might get the table situated in there tomorrow or Monday.

Lemme know if there are any questions!

- Peace!


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
So when I can I bring my plants over and put them in there? Looks good Slumpy. :mrgreen::peace:

what uup

Active Member
Very impressive, I may have missed this but do you have a plan for your overall op?

Like SOG, SCROG, if not then veg times....i think i read flood and drain hydro idk though im baked.

Looks good, can't wait to see it filled with green


Well-Known Member
this is a very impressive build. how many plants are you gonna do. you might also not need that ac unit as much as you think because youll not have alot of heat with cooltube and 2 1000s in a room that size. great room though


Well-Known Member
I'm shooting for 32 plants in the 8x4 table. Going to have to veg (got MH bulbs) and flower in 1 room. After a harvest or two I should be in a position to start on the veg/clone room and upgrade this room with 2 more 1000w.

Eventually the plan is to SOG with aeroponics with the uber perpetual harvest, but I had to be momentarily restricted to this current set up because someone feels that she is in control of my money more than I am :evil:

I should be able to get everything else installed and finished before this weekend. The only part I'm waiting on is the lightrail and that comes in Wednesday.

Thanks for the positive comments everyone...I'll keep you guys posted!



Well-Known Member
Eventually the plan is to SOG with aeroponics with the uber perpetual harvest, but I had to be momentarily restricted to this current set up because someone feels that she is in control of my money more than I am :evil:
Ha, the bitter-sweet constraints of marriage... Anyways, stellar job so far, man. Can't wait to see some plants get in there. Keep up the good work!

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Well-Known Member
About 98% done with the room. Gotta clean up some cords and what nots.

Here's some updated pics. Lemme know if there are any questions or comments!

