First post


hello Rollitup community, my name is Jason, I am 34 years old and have been a medical marijuana user for the last year. of course i smoked in high school but was too lost in chemicals, (from 13 to 25), to appreciate it. i have a messed up back & NOTHING helps the pain like cannabis! it doesn't take the pain completely away, but it makes it way more managable, the narcotic pain pills that the doctor gave me couldn't even touch the pain half the time and made me puke! Marijuana has improved my life in SO many ways! i have experienced positive weight lose since i started using marijuana, because i don't have to just sit around hurting anymore, also because the health benifits that have been found in marijuana have encouraged me to learn more about being healthy, although i seem to be a slow learner! LOL! anyway, i've read some cool stuff here on this forum so decided to get involved! thanks for having me! :)