First post / First Grow


Active Member
First off, Yo man, to all of you sensi-smokers. Yes yes I purchased Seemorebuds book and after doing some research found out he was apart of these forums. Well I decided to attempt his experiment with a slight modification. My set up includes 3 x 40 watt CFL's 3 x 42 Watt CFL's, 3 x 2.5 gallon buckets, 2 kush clones and 1 haze x skunk seedling. I am using Roots organics soil (great out of the bag soil) and 3D Organics nutrient line up, all save for the Ohm (shop didn't have it) On top of that I will be using Pro-Tekt, DutchMasters Liquid light and penetrator and of course some Neem oil. I started my project by building the contraption, foiled my whole closet, set down some plastic, and set up 2 oscilating fans. Currently I am at Day 6 on the project. I picked up my clones from Blue Sky on day 3, they were cool enough to give me 2 clones for the price of one. Today my seedling sprouted and I transplanted it into the last remaining pot of soil. I have yet to feed them anything but 6.5 ph water, Wednesday I plan on giving them their first feeding of nutrients. Take a look at the clone that is dropping, I am not sure what is causing it, but since I got it from Blue sky, it looked rather pitiful. It has yet to lift itself up but I would like to think it was just thirsty. Anyways take a look and let me know what your diagnosis is. This is the beginning of my first grow so I am looking for any constructive criticism, tips, and thumbs up. For my own knowledge I started a journal detailing logs about my upkeep and a photo journal for the net.

Sad looking clone, not sure what keeps falling off of it, but some plant material is around the base of the stalk.

Other Purple kush plant


Well-Known Member
yeah.. I'd go with mylar.. or get that shinny wrapping paper. might want to get your lights a little closer too. looks good though.:bigjoint:


Active Member
mylar is that b/w stuff that is 80$ per 50 sq/ft right? either way, the cheapest way I could reflect light was foil, the temp in my closet doesn't get above 80 Fahrenheit. Do you think the foil caused the burn spots on my 3 day old clone, or do you think it was a lack of nutrients/ proper care (both on my part and the club). As I said this is the first grow for me, and what I think is it is because a lack of nutrients. My plan is to feed them tomorrow and log the results. I will check the interets ('s) advice tomorrow before I feed to make up my mind; ya I am quite impressionable...


Well-Known Member
mylar is that b/w stuff that is 80$ per 50 sq/ft right? either way, the cheapest way I could reflect light was foil, the temp in my closet doesn't get above 80 Fahrenheit. Do you think the foil caused the burn spots on my 3 day old clone, or do you think it was a lack of nutrients/ proper care (both on my part and the club). As I said this is the first grow for me, and what I think is it is because a lack of nutrients. My plan is to feed them tomorrow and log the results. I will check the interets ('s) advice tomorrow before I feed to make up my mind; ya I am quite impressionable...
incorrect, thats the best stuf with the black and white... this is mylar. Mylar 54 Inches x 25 Feet, .002 Inch Thick its like thin super reflective plastic

Mitsu racerX

Well-Known Member
Go to walmart and ask for survival security blanket its in the Outdoor section and only cost 2.00 a pack. Its reflective and works wonders for the plant or plants. I got 2 packs and did my whole flower and grow rooms...

Veg/Grow room


Active Member
ya im going to try that space age blanket thing. Right on for the info guys. Just fed them for the first time today, with nutrients. Lets hope that dropping one picks up. I will get back on here later, after I apply the foliar spray, and after work.


Well-Known Member
yeah, the reason foil burns spots is because it doesn't reflect light consistently.. especially if it is wrinkled anywhere. Those security blankets work ok??


Active Member
Well still have the foil cause my funds are currently tapped, not that 2 bucks is tough to swing, but getting a ride to and from the store is. Anyways today is day 7 and my plants first nutrient feeding. Both plants were sagging this morning when the lights came on around 7 am. I fed them both and after work, they are both standing at attention reaching for the light. Time will tell how the sad clone does, but I am hopping the brown spots weren't from the foil, but rather due to a lack of nutrients. Rotated the plants another 90 degrees and checked the soil on my sprout, which is still moist. I suppose thats all for now, I am off to get some more water and make myself a foliar spray using dutch master penetrator and liquid light, a splash of neem oil and a dash of pro-tekt. Anyone used DM with cfl's? Just curious if the plants will enjoy the spray.


Active Member
Alright day eight-ish. Just cleaned my phx with my bong buddy. shout out to that product, simple and effective. To hell with buying them at a headshop though, 10$ on their site or 15-20$ at a shop. Anyways, I was anxious while growing so I picked up some homegrown from a fellow patient. The bong hits well, in case you were wondering, the phx trinity is a glorious piece.

Anyways I mixed up a batch of nutrients for my sprout which I plan on feeding tomorrow. Still no foliar spray for any of the plants, as the nutrient deficiency (opinion courtesy of a oaksterdam student) has scared me off from adding anymore chemicals. I wish to give my plants time to lick their wounds so to speak. All this talk about dank and my phx makes me want to get down.

Pause for the cause...

Quite tasty, Ah yes where was I. I plan on feeding the sprout tomorrow on the real day 8, however I plan on being lazy and sleeping in, perhaps hitting the snooze button a few times, and will not have time to post before work.

Tomorrow I will see how the two clones reacted to their feedings and decide if I want to add the dutch master or not at this time. (anyone's thoughts on this subject? Input will be considered, weighed only against ignorance.) I still plan on adding them at some point, but I want to give the plants time to show more positive growth from said nutrients. Fresh growth from both clones have shown their green heads and look promising. I just want those yellow leaves and brown spots to fade into non existence. Yellow leaves and brown spots only exist on one clone, the sad clone. I believe it is because it wanted more nutrients or water. Either way it is my first experiment and let me tell you, I am more excited than a kid with his eyes and mind set on first place at an elementary science fair. Indeed I am that focused on my success. The thought of dying plants at such a young age frightens me! Oh by the way, did I mention my closet reached 90 degrees Fahrenheit today? Piss! Damn the seasons! Damn my poor planning and testing. Either way, crisis diverted, somewhat. I'm sure even a few hours, if they did sustain that much, could have harmed the young investments of medication.

Well I did my best to advert that situation. I turned my a/c on full tilt, cracked the closet a little bit, aimed the fan at the new found hole in the closet, and moved the fan on the ground in a more favorable location for air flow. The temperature is around 76-79 degrees Fahrenheit. Heres to consistency and success!

Last thing to occupy your eyeballs with, the remaining four seedlings are currently finding a location able to suit four additional plants. Hopefully from these five haze x skunk seeds I have will yield a few tasty females. If not fuck it. I will keep the best male, isolate it and harvest its pollen. From that stage I plan on pollinating a select nug of the purple kush in order to make some purple kush x (haze x skunk). Ah the pipe dreams. Ho ho. I would not be upset with a male, so long as I had a place to properly cultivate his pollen. Let me know what you think that strain should be called, or if it already exist. Thats it for me tonight, thanks for your time eh? Have a good time, do the dewb, and take it easy.


Well-Known Member
yeah man, security blankets are awesome. i didn't think they were doing much till i discarded a seedling and put it in the corner of my box, and it continued to grow with out much stretching. was pretty impressed


Active Member
Not much to update with, at least no photos. New growth is still taking off on both clones, looking green and healthy. Sam the Skunkman's Original Haze x Skunk #1 seedling has pushed out its first set of fan leaves and will soon be looking more like a plant rather than a sprout. That's about it for day 9, uneventful. Take it easy.

Edit* I am keeping my foil up in defiance. Not that I have a death wish for my crop, but there are differing opinions. Some say foil wont harm your crop if you put the shinny side down. Some say it will just burn like a magnifying glass. Either way, its up, shiny side down, and I am to lazy to move all my jazz and put up another foil / liner. Next run through I will get one of those space age blankets and do it up right. Until then.


Active Member
Ya they are not the best looking, wish I could've looked all of them over and selected my own from their batch. Oh well, at least I am growing and gaining experience. I have 5 of those haze x skunk seedlings going as well but we will see how many ladies I yield from that batch.

Just sprayed the two clones with a light misting of pro-tekt, dutch masters penetrator and liquid light, and some neem oil. Here are some photos from yesterday, day eight.



Active Member
Alright so its day 12 and my clones look great! They are on their third set of nodes, which have yet to show fresh growth. I will post pictures soon of the growth. My seedling in a 2.5 gallon bucket is doing great with its first set of fan leaves soon to sprout. I added 2 more 30 watt cfl bulbs and one 23 watt bulb. I transplanted the three out of the four seedlings into dixie cups to give them more soil to grow in. Once they get a little more mature, I will move them to a bigger pot. I rearranged my plants so the two clones and one seedling get optimum light as the other three seedlings shall soon be transplanted to another veg room.

My concern is, will my 9 lights be enough for 3 plants? I have 3 - 42 watt, 3 - 40 watt, 2 30 watt, and 1 - 23 watt CFL bulbs. Will these be enough to flower 3 plants in 2.5 gallon buckets, probably veged for 3-4 weeks.

Mitsu racerX

Well-Known Member
My concern is, will my 9 lights be enough for 3 plants? I have 3 - 42 watt, 3 - 40 watt, 2 30 watt, and 1 - 23 watt CFL bulbs. Will these be enough to flower 3 plants in 2.5 gallon buckets, probably veged for 3-4 weeks.

You'll be fine just make sure the lights are close. bongsmilie