First plant, need some help


Active Member

So I was just looking for some answers to a few questions. I just started growing, hence this is my first plant and first attempt at growing and I have no prior knowledge

1. Right now, my lighting consists of a desk lamp, and one of those high powered desk lamps, so basically just regular every day household light on my plants.. is this sufficient enough to get the seed to sprout? or should I just scrap the project all together untill I can get enough for one of the 250 watt growing lights?

2. I know alot of people talk about germinating the seed in a towl, but will it still work if I do it in soil?

3. How long will it take after the seed is in the soil for it to sprout?


Active Member
Always germinate in a papertowel under the sterilized plate and bowl method, works everytime I have tried.


Well-Known Member
Dampen a few paper towels. Place seeds inside. Put into zip lock baggie. Place in dark. Allow to sit. Check every day. Keep warm (like onto a fridge).


Well-Known Member
well if u have put them into the dirt to germinate theres a 50 50 chance of them coming up, but if they do come up and ur gona plan on doing them right go out and pick up a DH Compact Fluorescent Fixture. and that will be cool till its time for flowering


Active Member
Alrighty, so I have a 50 50 change if i germinate it in the dirt. I guess i'll just leave this setup how it is untill it sprouts.

About the light, I've looked over the internet, and at a local grow store, and found that im lookin about 230-260 depending on what i want to buy. From what i've seen, I'll need a High pressure sodium light, how many watts do i need? would 150 or 250 do it for 1 plant? Also, do you have any links to websites where I could get one possibly for cheaper?

Thanks for all the help


Active Member
I watched that 1 hr 27 min movie with cannabis guy (the guy with green paint on) and got a pretty good idea of what i'd need for a grow room. Sofar, for 1 plant, im gonna go out and buy black plastic, mylar (sp?), 4 ft floresence cool white lite, 400 watt hp sodium bulb with a 430 watt hp sodium bulb with a blue spectrum. Think that should do the trick?


Active Member
dont try sprouting them in soil - waste of time
wrap 3 seeds in a drenched paper towel about 2 1/2 inches apart from eachother and wrap that paper towel up and then wrap that towel wit the seeds in it with 2 other paper towels and put it in a ziplock bag with as much air out of the bag as possible and keep it in a warm dark place... (dresser) dont let the inside paper towel become dry
in about a week i had 2-3 inch sprouts growing through the paper towels


Well-Known Member
it shouldn't cost you too much to get an HPS light, try ebay. I got my first one for under $120! Thing still works after 6 months of use even though it looks like a piece of shit, it works well.