First plant ever hows she lookin?


i finally have a space to practice growing, this is my first lady what do y'all think

she'll be a month old tomorrow


Well-Known Member
Very nice. Looks healthy. Is it a clone....or from seed? I was going to ask how do you know she is not a he


Thanks! i havent used any training. im planning on taking a cut this weekend and flower on monday to see how nice the nug will be and if its worth keeping around. its was a seed i had saved for a while of some crazy bud i got one time


oh really? dang from what i've looked up that looks like the formation of a pistil where the orange hair is poking out but i guess im wrong


Well-Known Member
its ok i though my plants were female to when i was new because it in a way resembles a pistole to someone who has never seen one before


Well-Known Member
well my camera on my phone isnt that high of quality but the white hairs all over the buds thats whats going to form jsut behind what you though was a lady part