First Photo Grow for 1 GPW


Well-Known Member
Hello all.

This is my first photoperiod grow. My first two grows was autos and yields wasnt satisfying for me. Now aiming for 1gpw grow with photos.

Grow Room: 5x5x7 (150x150x200)
Strain: 5x God's Glue
Light: 1000w HPS (no mh for veg. all stages with hps)
Medium: Peat soil
Nutrients: Biocanna Rhizotonic, Vega, Flores, Boost (gonna use company chart)
Method: LST first weeks then installing scrog net

Huge intake and exhaust fans. Fresh air is bit problem because exhausting from window but no much space to take fresh air from outside. So thats sux i know.

Tent temp is 18C at night now (light off) with 40% RH. Also have 5LT humidifier for boost RH.

We are now in winter so temp can go down to 16C when lights off. I have cooldtube reflector but not gonna use it now. Because of cold weather conditions i will use wing reflector so tent temp when light on should be around 22-23C. İf it gets hotter after month or so i will replace with cooltube.

Feb 8 (right now) planted 3 germinated seeds with tap roots about 2,5cm long. Other 2 seeds roots are smaller than others. So i will give them anohter day to grow in towel paper.

In time of whole grow i will need help of you pro growers. So please follow that thread and help me to learn more and achieve 1gpw :)
Here is my room setup. There is 4 fabric pots but 3 of them have seeds. Tomorrow i will make it 5 pots.

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Here's my little 2x4 had the two middle lights since 2019 and from my last two grows knew they weren't enough since one is blurple and the big white one is to cool with way to much blue spectrum even with bloom switch on. I bought the two Fecida lights on the sides during black Friday, which are 130 true watts each while the two middle lights both pulling 260+ each with bloom & veg switched on.

Northern Lights with blue straps on the left
Critical Orange Punch with red straps mid
Critical + 2.0 on the left with yellow straps
Baby plant is also Northern Lights just in a 3 gallon pot vs 7 gallons the others are in.


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Here's my little 2x4 had the two middle lights since 2019 and from my last two grows knew they weren't enough since one is blurple and the big white one is to cool with way to much blue spectrum even with bloom switch on. I bought the two Fecida lights on the sides during black Friday, which are 130 true watts each while the two middle lights both pulling 260+ each with bloom & veg switched on.

Northern Lights with blue straps on the left
Critical Orange Punch with red straps mid
Critical + 2.0 on the left with yellow straps
Baby plant is also Northern Lights just in a 3 gallon pot vs 7 gallons the others are in.

Nice one. Then I think i can scrog 5 plants in 5x5 tent.
Update time.

Day 8 since they pop.

Day 8 1.jpg
Day 8 2.jpg
Day 8 3.jpg

My growth bit stunted at day 3 to day 5. I don't know why but now they started to grow day by day. I watered them 5 days ago but soil is still wet. So looks like gonna water them once a week for a while. Grow room is no 26C lights on 20C lights off. Humidity bit low (30) even with humidifier. I think that's because my exhaust fan is pretty strong even with lowest level.

As you can see at third pic, my seedling is bit retarded lol. When i wake up at second day when first two leaves appears, i saw that half of one leaf is broken somehow. Very thin piece was holding it and i pulled it off. But still growing anyway.

Didn't give any nutes yet. I will start nutes when i see second set leaves fully grow. So probably 3-5 days later.

I saturated whole soil with 6.3 pH water before i plant them in and 3rd day after they fully break through soil i saturated whole soil again with 6.3 pH with around 20-25% run off. So as i said soil is still very wet after 5 days of watering. Looks like it will take 3-5 days to water again. Which means watering every 10 days for now. I know they won't drink much water now.

And somehow all of them looks like skewed. I will tie them. I feel like as it grows stem will break due to the weight.

I know they look like bit small for 8 days old plant. But what's your thoughts?
Update time.

Day 10 breaking through soil.

They have twisted blade leaves. I think it's due to low humidity or too high light intensity or both. I raised light a bit more (around 27-28 inches away from canopy). Humidity around 35-40. They still grow slower but not stunted.

Day 10 1.jpg
Day 10 2.jpg
Day 10 3.jpg

Soil is still wet and pot is heavy. I watered them 7 days before. So it wasn't good idea to saturate whole soil for first watering. Probably still have 2 days to water them again. I will start little dose of nutes 2 days later.
Why dint you buy a litlle 60w lamp for seedling up on el.bill

Not about bills but for seedlings i will do that next time cuz i realized that seedlings doesnt need high wattage bulbs. Probably going for 250w MH for two weeks next time. Every grow is lesson and learned this.

At least 1k hps for seedlings makes tent warm for them especially at winter times like this. But for sure have to hang it at least 70-80cm away or it's frying them.
Light is probably drying it or you are sucking it out with weaker lamp you can have weaker air outtake and higher temps

My exhaust fan is very strong. I had very huge issues with heat before. My last auto grow was ruined by heat. It was near end at mid July and tent was over 40C with wing reflector. So i bought cooltube and small exhaust fan but it wasn't enough strong to cool. So i went for biggest exhaust fan to make it cool and decreased to 30C mid summer.

I even stop exhaust fan and open window for fresh air now when lights off. If it's on when lights off, fan lowering temp in tent to 16C.

This is biggest issue with HID bulbs. Heat.

AC is big solution but growing weed illegal here and high bills are suspicious where i am living at.
nobody cares about a high bill. you could have an aquarium with a 300W lamp.watter chiller with 1kw fancy pc with 700W you could bake all day with 10kW oven..... nobody cares about the bill as long as it gets paid

In my country they care about high bill compared to squaremeter of your home and your bill. If it's suspicious, it's problem. Sadly.
Update time.

Day 11. Good news.

3rd set of leaves coming. 2-3 inch deep of soil is still moist but not much wet. Pot is still heavy. Bottom of pot is probably very wet. Tomorrow i am gonna water them with half strenght of nutes because this is day 8 without watering.

Day 11 1.jpg
Day 11 2.jpg
Day 11 3.jpg