first outdoor.....


Well-Known Member
k so i have like 20 bagseeds grew them indoors for about 2 weeks and just recently put them out side.... ik that pot is very unpridictable but if anyone has done the same give me some info on about how bug they got aand how the yeild was.... all the seeds were from some good stinky green and even some purple took almost a year to acquire these seeds. but they looked real good before going out doors and are doing well were i have them aside from the males that might possibly be in my crop i just need to know a few things.:leaf:


Active Member
I did that same thing and my plants died, due to direct sunlight. So prepare to have all of those plants growth stunted.

JoNny Pot sMokeR

Active Member
they can get as big as fuck like 7 or 8 ft tall and just as wide. if done right and with a lot of TLC you can get Pounds off of one plant.