First outdoor grown in southern california! Questions and pics!


Active Member
I am doing my first outdoor grow this year and I have plants flowering already. I'm not sure what strain they are because they came in a "happy outdoor" seed pack that my girlfriend's dad gave me. They range in age but they started flowering immediately when I put them outside about a month ago (even though it was the longest daylight day of the year). I was wondering if anyone could maybe give me an idea to what strain they are. Some of their leaves have started to yellow and die, not all of them but a few, and I'm pretty sure this happens to all plants as they start to flower but I wanted to be sure. Should I be trimming the yellowing parts or should I let them wither up and fall off on their own? I havent been too concerned with finishing time because I was just going to pull them when about 80% of the trich's are amber, however if anyone could give me an idea of when to expect them to finish, I would certainly appreciate it.

For the record, I live in southern California and it doesn't usually start to get cold here until late November or early December. I have a bad problem with rabbits, squirrels and other rodents so I have them all surrounded by 24" tall chicken wire and I hang blood meal on a few of their covers. The critters are bad around here, I've lost complete plants overnight due to them. Since the chicken wire has been installed, I haven't really had anymore problems except there are grasshoppers on them periodically and I always try to scare them away. I'm open to more suggestions for keeping critters away, if anyone has any advice.

Since they have been outside, I give them about 50% strength nutes (General hydroponics VEG formula for the little ones, FLOWER formula for the big ones - no inbetween) and they seem to be loving it. They are really growing in height and width each day; whether i give them flower or veg formula, so would it be alright to give all of them flower formula? I'm not positive if I should try to help the smaller ones catch up in size or if it's close enough to harvest to only use flower formula?

Here are some pictures so you have an idea of what I'm working with. i know they arent the best pics but they are a start. if more are needed to make a better judgement let me know. i can take closer ones or further away - whatever just let me know. i also have the pics in higher rez if that helps.
