Hey new to this site and new to growing
I got a bag of bud a few weeks back riddled in seed so I decided to plant and see how it goes. I'm using soil out of my veggie patch which is fertilised in pony shit. I have not added anything but am definitely going to need help along the way if this is to be successful. In 3 weeks of planting the seed this is what has come up on days the sun is out the plant is outside. On the days the sun isn't shining it sits on the window ledge. I'm from Melbourne, Australia.. any advice is greatly appreciated
I got a bag of bud a few weeks back riddled in seed so I decided to plant and see how it goes. I'm using soil out of my veggie patch which is fertilised in pony shit. I have not added anything but am definitely going to need help along the way if this is to be successful. In 3 weeks of planting the seed this is what has come up on days the sun is out the plant is outside. On the days the sun isn't shining it sits on the window ledge. I'm from Melbourne, Australia.. any advice is greatly appreciated