First outdoor grow


Active Member
Whats up R.I.U.? This is my very first outdoor grow as well as my very own first grow. I am very unsure about my progress:-?. Please give any input suggestions criticism (no matter what) I just want everyones honest opinion. All of my beans are from greenhouse. I read alot of negativity about their seeds from least when I search for greenhouse but I have a white rhino fem, super silver haze fem, and the church fem. I wouldnt really knw what to say they are doing but the w.r and the ssh have been growing for about a month now and the church for about 2 days and already i see more progress outta this bean than the others. I would like to put sum nutes to the w.r and the ssh but i'm not sure when it would be the right time and what to get.So like I said b4 just please help me out you guys


trichlone fiend

New Member
...bro, I going to give you some of my best advice. Use organic teas to fertilize your ladies. As a newbie, you'll get buds that can compete with the best of growers with very little knowledge needed. I'm going to drop a copy and paste for you here, you might want to really consider this >>>>>

What you'll need:
Seabird guano, bat guano, earth worm castings, kelp meal (or liquid seaweed), molessas, a bubble stone and bubble pump, a paint strainer. 5 gallon bucket.
What to do:
Get a couple of gallons of water from tap....let set on bubbles over night to dechlorinize it, then pH balance the water to 6.5....take a couple tablespoons of each (worm castings, seabird, bat, kelp, molessas) and put inside paint strainer and tie shut...hang the mix over the bubble stone to make movement/activity in the water....let set for 24-48 hours....put 2 cups of this per gallon to new dechlorinized pH balanced water, then water in once weekly.'ll want to back up off of the earthworm castings and the seabird guano in mid flower to eliminate nitrogen avalibility.
...the molessas and liquid seaweed are liquid , however, still use table spoon measurements.
...stop giving tea @ weeks 5 for an 8 week strain, or allow a couple weeks to flush (not so important organically but, I prefer to save the $)

...also watch this video >>>


Active Member
Thanks. I am using roots organic as my base soil. I would like to use only organic nutes on my ladies. Do you recommend any fox farm organic nutes