first outdoor grow


Active Member
i was thinkin about trying to do an outdoor grow for the first time. i've tried a few indoor crops before with a little success (mostly due to my lights). i am growing in southern california and i was wondering if anyone could give me any area specific information like how often i should have to water them. also any other information on outdoor growing and protection from pests would be appreciated :) links are great too!


Active Member
Ok i've got rats, rabbits, deer, and insects around my outdoor grow area was thinkin about using some chicken wire or green mesh netting around the area im planting (like 4x4 feet). Does anyone have any idea how effective this is or if there is any additional supplies i could use to help protect them? i was going to drop some 5gal buckets in the ground with some peat moss / potting soil with a lil lime and then using fox farm nutrients. Any additional things i need or anyone would suggest? Please dont reply with "do some research"


Active Member
Take seeds, germinate in paper towel.
Go buy like 20 dollars worth of CFLS.
Once seeds germinate put em in a soil without fertilizer (cheap black shit at walmart)

Leave the lights on close to top of pots for 24/7. Plants will sprout.

Grow em out to 4-16 inches in the cfls. Put em outside on and off over 2 weeks to get em used to intense light and cold.

Dig holes and plant.

There gonna need ferts, which I would suggest getting at a grow shop or wally world.

Keep them away from deer humans rabbits by finding a spot that is hard as hell to get to. Failing that jimmy rig an electric fence with a car battery or use barbed wire.

Good Luck.